5个月的萌娃Alia与树懒Daisy建立了特殊的纽带关系,当Alia第一次见到Daisy时才两天大,自此之后,这两个小家伙就没有分开过。Daisy就像是Alia现实版的泰迪熊,这对超有爱的组合喜欢在一起玩耍并在一起午睡,Alia的父母29岁的Julia与35岁的Jason Heckathorn同时将Alia和3个月大的Daisy一起带回了他们的家。
Five months old cute baby Alia has built a special relationship with a bradypod named Daisy. Since their first met two days after Alia was born, the two little things have never been apart. Daisy is the real Teddy Bear for Alia. This extremely loveable couple are fond of playing and having a nap together. 29 years old Juila, Alia's mother and 35 years old Jason Heckathorn, Alia's father bring her and her 3 months old companion Dasiy back home together.
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