An 11-year-old girl stole £6,300 of her grandmother's cash and set off on an 800-mile taxi ride to meet up with a boy she met while on holiday。这名11岁的小女孩从她祖母那里偷了6300镑的现金,叫了一辆飞的驱车800英里去和她假日里邂逅的一名男孩碰面。
Alexis Waller left her parents a note, telling them she had run away, before hitching a ride from her home in Arkansas。亚历克西斯·沃勒在搭车离开她阿肯色州的家里前给父母留了张纸条,告诉他们她“逃跑了”。
She then got in a cab which took her on a £1,600 journey to Jacksonville in Florida, to see the boy she had met a couple of years earlier on vacation。随后她搭乘了一辆计程车,花了1600镑来到弗罗里达的杰克逊维尔,去和她几年前假日里邂逅的男孩见面。
She told Arkansas Matters: "[The driver] didn’t really ask anything, he just asked me where I needed to go。她叙述了阿肯色的这起事件:“司机真的什么都没问我,我就问了我需要去哪儿。
"I said: 'I need to go to Jacksonville, Florida'. He’s like: 'Do you have money', and I’m like: 'yes'."“我说:‘我要去杰克逊维尔,在弗罗里达。他就问:’你有钱吗‘,然后我说:’有啊‘。”
Alexis was asked to pay £827 up front and would hand over the rest of the money when she arrived in Florida。亚历克西斯被要求预付827镑,然后到了弗罗里达后再付剩下的钱。
But her frantic parents had already contacted the police, who called the driver using her mobile phone records。但是她惊慌的父母已经联系了警察,用她手机电话记录联系了司机。
He stopped the cab nine hours away in Atlanta, Georgia, where Alexis' parents drove to pick her up。他在9小时后在乔治亚州的亚特兰大拦下了计程车,亚历克西斯的父母驱车去接了她。
Alexis added: "I'm actually glad I got found. I knew I made a mistake after a while and I didn't have a phone."亚历克西斯又说道:“事实上我很高兴我有钱。过了一会我意识到自己犯了错误,而且我没有手机。”
Her father Brent said: "You have the rest of your life to punish her, and you just want to hug her and just love her because you got her back and that’s what’s important."她的父亲布伦特说:“你的余生都可以去教训她,但是当时你只想给她个拥抱,好好爱她因为你把她找回来了,这是最重要的。”
文章关键词: 双语