A ten-year-old girl has raised over £30,000 for a children's hospice in just eight months simply by playing her violin to passers by in the street。英国一个10岁的女孩以街头拉小提琴的方式,在短短8个月内就为一家儿童临终关怀医院筹集了3万英镑。
Talented Madison Glinski raised the astonishing sum by busking on the streets of St Ives and Truro, Cornwall. 这个能干的小姑娘名叫麦迪逊·杰林斯基,她通过在康沃尔圣艾夫斯和特鲁洛的街头卖艺,筹得了这一大笔善款。
Her original target had been just £500, but since she began in Easter, Madison has raised a staggering £32,520 for the Children's Hospice South West。麦迪逊最开始的目标只是500英镑,但是自复活节以来,她已经为西南儿童临终关怀医院筹款超过3.2万英镑。
The youngster, who has played violin since the age of four, started busking earlier this year with the aim of hitting her fundraising target before Christmas。麦迪逊4岁就开始拉小提琴,从今年年初开始在街头卖艺,希望在圣诞节之前达到她的筹款目标。
So many people got behind the young violinist she ended up raising 60 times her target for the charity's Little Harbour hospice in Cornwall。由于众人的支持,这名年轻的小提琴演奏家获得了比自己定下的目标高出近60倍的善款。
As well as busking Madison, who plays grade four standard, also raised money by attending car boot sales and auctioning off her own toys。除了在街头卖艺之外,麦迪逊还通过参加汽车后备箱旧物集市,以及拍卖她自己的玩具来筹款。
And to top it all off her exploits are being recognised on the Christmas edition of TV show Surprise Surprise after being nominated by proud mum Terrasa, 48.麦迪逊的48岁的母亲特拉萨为有这样的女儿感到非常自豪,她向一个电视节目推荐了女儿的事迹。
She said: 'Madison is very caring. She made a New Year's resolution to help poorly children and decided to try and raise £500 for the Children's Hospice South West. 特拉萨说:“麦迪逊是个非常有爱心的孩子,她的新年愿望是帮助不幸的孩子们,因此决定帮儿童临终关怀医院筹款500英镑。”
'She thought that was all she would be able to raise but so many people have donated it just grew and grew. “她原以为以自己的能力只能筹得这么多钱,谁知道捐款的人越来越多,总金额不断上涨。”
'When she started
she just had her violin case open for donations but as she went on she started putting up signs saying what she was doing it for and it grew from there. “她刚开始卖艺的时候只是把小提琴箱打开让人们往里面放钱,后来她立起一个牌子,上面写着她卖艺的原因,之后捐款的人就开始增多。”
'People were leaving £20 notes sometimes - it was astonishing. Then she started a JustGiving page and people how saw her busk would then go and donate money through that.' “有的人会直接掏出20英镑,这真是太不可思议了。后来她又在网上建立了JustGiving的主页,曾看到她卖艺的人也会上网进行捐款。”
Terrasa added: 'She has a bit of a musical talent and has used it to help others. 特拉萨还说:“麦迪逊有音乐天赋,并利用这种天赋来帮助他人。”
'She has a special passion and dedication for it.' “她对此很有热情,也很有奉献精神。”
It's not the first time Madison has reached out to help others。这并不是麦迪逊第一次奉献自己的爱心。
The family normally go away over Christmas but a few years ago Madison asked her parents if they could all go to Africa instead to help children there. 麦迪逊一家总是会在圣诞节时外出旅游,但在几年前,麦迪逊问父母能不能一起去非洲,帮助那里的孩子们。
Madison collected
unwanted items from friends, neighbours and used her own pocket money and managed to collect 700Ibs worth of toys, shoes, clothes and school equipment to take to Africa。麦迪逊从朋友、邻居那里收集他们不要的东西,并加上自己的零用钱,最终换来了700磅重的玩具、鞋、衣服和文具,把它们都带去了非洲。
As soon as the family returned Madison started to plan for the next trip。回到英国后,麦迪逊又开始计划下一次的旅行。
文章关键词: 双语