A Bristol graphic designer who was ripped off by an internet seller has turned to Shakespeare to get his revenge。在英国西部的港口城市布里斯托尔,一位平面设计师被一个网上卖家骗了,他让莎士比亚帮他报仇了。
Edd Joseph, 24, who lives in the city with his girlfriend, was furious when he bought a PS3 games console for £80 and the seller failed to deliver the goods.24岁的艾德·约瑟夫和女朋友定居在布里斯托尔,得知自己在网上花80英镑买的PS3游戏机卖家没有发货时,他非常愤怒。
So Edd decided to take his revenge by sending him the entire works of the Bard - by text。所以艾德决定报仇——把莎士比亚所有的作品全文用短信形式发给那个卖家。
Edd discovered he could copy the words from the internet and paste them into a text message - without costing him a penny on his unlimited mobile phone package。艾德发现他可以从网上复制文字再粘贴到短信里,而他自己因为有无限的手机短信包而不用花一个子儿。
He sends it as one text but his victim can only receive them in 160 character chunks - meaning the 37 works of Shakespeare will buzz through in 29,305 individual texts。他只用一条短信就能发送整部书的内容,但是他的复仇对象每次只能接收160个字符——意味着莎士比亚的37部作品将会通过29305条短信向他“嗡嗡嗡”地狂轰乱炸。
So far Edd has sent 22 plays including Hamlet, Macbeth and Othello which have been delivered in 17,424 texts。迄今为止,艾德已经发送了22个剧本,包括《哈姆雷特》《麦克白》和《奥赛罗》。这些文字已经通过17424条短信发送出去了。
He reckons the remaining 15 works will take another few days to send - meaning his adversary's phone will have been constantly beeping for nearly a week。他预计剩下的15部作品还要花上几天送达——意味着骗子的手机将会在将近一周的时间里不停地振动。
Edd has now started getting abusive replies from the seller。那位卖家已经回了很多条短信来骂他。
He said: "I got the first reply after an hour, and then a few more abusive messages after that. His phone must have been going off pretty constantly for hours。他说:“一个小时后我收到了第一条回复短信,之后他又回了几条短信来骂我。他的手机肯定已经连续响好几个小时了。”
"I'm going to keep doing it. If nothing else I'm sharing a little bit of culture with someone who probably doesn't have much experience of it。”“我还要继续发。没什么,我只是想让某个没文化的人感受一下什么叫文化。”
文章关键词: 双语
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