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2013年01月18日13:43  沪江英语 微博   我有话说


  • 都是GPS的错?比利时老太太迷糊开车游六国
  • 都是GPS的错?比利时老太太迷糊开车游六国

  A Belgian woman took an astonishing 1,800 mile detour through six countries after her car navigation system went wrong。一名比利时女子汽车上的导航系统发生了故障,她开车行驶了1800英里,穿越了6个国家,路程之远令人惊叹。

  Sabine Moreau, 67, had intended to drive to Brussels from her home in Solre-sur-Sambre to pick up a friend from the train station - a journey of just 38 miles.67岁的萨宾·莫罗本打算从位于桑布尔河畔索勒尔市的家开车去布鲁塞尔,去火车站接她的一位朋友——总路程只有38英里。

  But she took a catastrophic wrong turn and eventually ended up 900 miles away in Zagreb, Croatia。但她在一个拐弯处犯了致命的错误,最后将车开至了900英里之外克罗地亚的萨格勒布市。

  Despite crossing five borders and seeing multiple-language traffic signs, she did not stop to question her sat-nav until two days later when she realised that she may not be in Belgium any more。尽管穿过了5个国界,看见了各种语言的标志,她都没有停下来想想是不是她的导航系统出了问题。直到两天之后,她意识到自己可能已经不在比利时了。

  Although she stopped to refuel her car several times, Ms Moreau did not think her TomTom could be leading her down the wrong path。虽然好多次她停下来给车加油,莫罗女士没有想到过她车上装的TomTom导航仪会带她驶向错误的方向。

  ‘I saw all kinds of traffic signs. First in French, then in German - Cologne, Aachen, Frankfurt,’ she told a Belgian news website. ‘But I didn't ask myself any questions. I was just distracted, so I kept my foot down,’ she added。“我看到各种不同的交通标志。先是法语的,然后是德语的——科隆、亚琛、法兰克福这些城市的名字,”她对比利时一家新闻网站说。“但我什么都没有问自己。我当时心不在焉,所以我也没觉得不安,”她又补充说。

  Police believe she crossed through France, Germany, Austria and Slovenia

  before finally getting to Croatia. Then she faced another 900 mile journey back to get to her home in Solre-sur-Sambre. By this stage her worried son had reported her missing to police。警方认为,她在到达克罗地亚之前已经经过的法国、德国、奥地利和斯洛文尼亚。然后她必须再开900英里,回到她在桑布尔河畔索勒尔市的家。现在她担心的是,她的儿子已经跟警方报告她失踪了。

  Officers searched her house and were about to launch a full scale manhunt when she phoned home to say she was in Zagreb。当她打电话回家说她在萨格勒布市的时候,比利时的警方已经搜过了她的家,准备开始大规模搜索了。

  She told police: ‘I didn't really notice anything was wrong until I suddenly arrived in Zagreb and realised that I was no longer in Belgium.’她告诉警方:“我一直没有发现有什么不对劲,直到我突然发现自己到了萨格勒布,我才意识到我已经不再比利时了。”

  When asked if she did not find the length of the journey - or the change in language - strange, Ms Moreau replied: ‘Maybe, but I was just preoccupied.'当被问道她难道没有发现路程长得不对劲,或者语言已经变了的时候,莫罗女士回答说:“可能吧。但是我在想心事。”

  So preoccupied that even after being forced to stop for petrol several times - as well as a snooze on the side of the road - Ms Moreau still did not question her satnav。莫罗女士的心事可不少,虽然她好几次需要停下来给车加油,在停在路边打盹,就算这样都没有让莫罗女士怀疑她的导航系统坏了。

  'I stopped several times for petrol and paid with my credit card. When I felt tired I stopped for a few hours sleep in the car on a lay-by,' she said. 'I was a bit absent-minded as I had a few things to think about, I suppose.' Ms Moreau finally made it home 60 hours after embarking upon her inadvertent odyssey。“我想我大概有点心不在焉,我在想一些事情。”[/en][cn]“我停下来加了几次油,用信用卡付的钱。累的时候我就停下来,在路边的停车带睡几个小时,”她说。莫罗女士最后在60小时漫不经心的长途跋涉后回到了家。

  A spokesman for police in Belgium, who had been on the brink of launching a hunt for Ms Moreau after being alerted by her son, said: 'This is an incredible story。比利时警方在收到莫罗女士儿子的信息之后,已经差点要发起搜索莫罗女士的行动了,警方的一名发言人说:“这个故事太不可思议了。”

  'These GPS systems cause problems from time to time but nothing like this. But this woman has done nothing wrong and we just have to believe her,' he added。“GPS系统总是会带来很多麻烦,不过还没有像这样的。不过这位女士什么都没有做错,我们要相信她。”他又这样补充道。

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