据台湾TVBS电视台报道,台湾桃园一对20岁出头的年轻夫妻,因为沉迷网络游戏(online game),宁愿把钱花在上网,也舍不得买奶粉(milk powder)给女儿,只喂小孩吃稀饭,造成女婴瘦成皮包骨,营养不良(malnutrition),体重只有3公斤多,最后被活活饿死,法官将这对失职的父母,各判处5年4个月的有期徒刑(sentence to fixed-term imprisonment)。
报道称,女婴在2010年2月20日出生,满周岁,但全身却瘦巴巴,比起一般同年龄的孩子8公斤的标准体重(standard weight),还要少了5公斤,体重只有3公斤,但女婴父母坚称,都有喂饱孩子,但医生说像女婴这个年纪的孩子,除了喝奶水,还得吃副食品,就算只喝奶,不可能瘦成皮包骨,警方怀疑,女婴的父母说谎,也推测小朋友是营养不良,导致免疫机能(Immune Action)下降,感染死亡。
夫妻俩表示,女儿是早产儿(premature infant),得定期施打疫苗(vaccine),一家三口,每个月仅靠丈夫18000元台币(约合3900元人民币)的收入来维持,但薪水扣掉房租(house rent),还得负担夫妻俩沉迷网络的兴趣,真的没剩什么钱买奶粉给孩子吃。
而法医(legal examiner)解剖女婴的遗体发现,这个小生命死前1到2天几乎都没有进食,因为营养不良,引起代谢性休克死亡,年轻的小夫妻思虑不周,照顾不慎,让亲生骨肉断送性命,法官依照遗弃致死罪,将2人判5年4个月的有期徒刑。
TAIPEI - A young Taiwanese couple has been accused of letting their baby girl starve to death because they were obsessed with playing games online and forgot to feed her regularly, police said Friday。
The one-year-old weighed only four kilograms (nine pounds), or half the average size of a girl her age, when the couple reported her death earlier this week, the police said。
According to the local Apple Daily newspaper, when police arrived, they found a girl reduced to "just skin and bone and with sunken eyes", while a gaming website was flickering on the computer monitor next to her crib。
Prosecutors will look into the cause of the girl’s death and determine whether her parents, in their early 20s, were responsible. They face up to two years in prison for manslaughter if convicted。
The polices' investigation found out that this couple had only 20,000 TWD (about 680 dollars) income every month, and they prefer spent the money on games rather than buying food for their daughter。