SCIENTISTS in Canada have found that picking your NOSE and eating it could be good for your health。
But did you know all sorts of bad habits can improve your well being? MATTHEW BARBOUR investigates。
Gossiping: Spending 20 minutes chatting about other people’s news (and misfortunes) helps 96 percent of people squash feelings of stress, tension and anxiety for up to four hours straight, say US researchers at Rhode Island’s Brown University。
Women who spread positive gossip found their depression alleviated by up to 72 percent within three months。
That’s because speaking positively about others stimulates bonding instincts, which revs up the brain’s production of powerful, mood-elevating antidepressant hormones。
Picking your nose: Scott Napper, associate professor of biochemistry at the University of Saskatchewan, believes eating mucus in the nose may boost the immune system by introducing small and harmless amounts of germs back in to the body。
His theory follows others that suggest improved hygiene has led to an increase in allergies and auto-immune disorders。
Biting your nails: Experts believe the same argument could hold true for nail biting。
Dr Hilary Longhurst, consultant immunologist from Barts and the London NHS Trust, said: “Unless your hands are truly filthy, the bugs we encounter when biting our nails could boost our immune system。”
The immune system works by developing a “memory” and making a note of how to fight each bug it has ever encountered。
When a bug is encountered a second time, the immune system reaches into its memory to release weapons – called memory lymphocytes – that know how to kill it。
Burping: This natural gas release is a normal part of digestion and suppressing it can cause problems。
If you don’t belch and the gas stays on the stomach, this can cause the valve that separates the gullet and the stomach to relax, allowing stomach acid to splash up into the gullet, triggering heartburn。
Cracking your knuckles: A large study following people that did and didn’t crack their knuckles over a five-year period found that knuckle crackers’ joints were just as healthy as those who didn’t。
People’s joints tend to feel more comfortable after cracking because they have stretched out the joint and have a greater degree of movement。
Chewing gum: Recent research shows that chomping on gum can improve both short and long-term memory (scientists are still figuring out exactly why)。
And chewing the stuff might also help you slim down, according to new research from the University of Rhode Island。
Research suggests that frequent chewing can stimulate the brain’s satiety centre, which is responsible for making us feel full。
Protect your teeth and go with a stick of the sugar-free kind。