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2013年08月01日14:39  新浪教育 微博   我有话说




  10 Secrets to MotivatingTeenagers 

  We’ve all been teenagers, but as we age we forget how to connectwith young people. We think that we can just tell them what to doand they’ll do it. Wouldn’t that be great?

  As a manager you also need to play to teenager’s Superpowers, sothey feel powerful and enjoy what they do. When you help themdiscover what they are good at they will be more willing to giveyou their full effort.

  Most teenagers are a different kind of human until they get afew years of work experience or college under their belts. Theythink differently and feel differently than adults do. Try toremember when you were young and you had hormones pushing throughyou and all you could do was think about sex. That’s the firsttrick.

  1. Put Yourself in Their Shoes

  When you can put yourself in their position you can learn how tomotivate teenagers. Teenagers may be weird, but they have emotionsjust like you and me. They’re just a little more intense. Whendealing with a teenager make sure you are sympathetic to theirneeds. Don’t Be a Push-over because they will take advantage of youif you let them.

  2. Show Them Their Mistakes and How to ImproveThem

  Teenagers don’t pick up on adult concepts as quickly as adults.Well, duh. You will be surprised by how many business owners don’tunderstand this concept. Teenagers may be geniuses on the computeror multi-tasking, but they learned these things like everythingelse. When they make a mistake, explain what they did wrong and howthey can improve it. This may need to be done a few times beforethey catch on.

  3. Give Them the Respect They Seek

  Giving a teenager the respect that he or she deserves will go along way in earning their trust. Most adults treat teenagers liketeenagers when all they want is to be treated like the man or womanthat they are trying to be. Talk to them like an adult and theywill raise their level of work.

  4. Don’t Be a Push-over

  A teenager will take two feet when given a foot, so make sureyou set boundaries and if they cross them then document it and letthem know. If they continue to cross the line then don’t be afraidto let them go if they you need to.

  5. Enjoy a Good Laugh

  There is nothing a teenager likes doing more than enjoying agood laugh. Yes they may be moody, but when a teenager is in a goodmood it can be down right infectious to the rest of the staff, soallow them to get excited and have a good time.

  6. Listen to Them

  Teenagers want to help. They may be selfish, but they aren’tstupid. They can see things that you can’t. Listen to theirsuggestions. If they give you an idea that won’t work then let themknow why and show appreciation for their efforts. If they have agood idea, tell them that you want to hear more and ask them tocome up with a plan on how to implement it.

  7. Have Patience with Their Learning Curve

  Their learning curve is a little steeper than most adults, buttheir potential is greater too. Once a teenager catches on to aconcept they make it their own.

  8. Reward Them

  The Gen Y generation and younger grew up being rewarded forblowing their nose. They don’t take well to harsh discipline, sowhen they do something good even without your approval, rewardthem. Give them an extra hour for lunch or a $20 bonus. Their ideamight have saved you hundreds of dollars, so disperse thewealth.

  9. Don’t Yell at Them

  Teenagers hate to be yelled at. They get enough of that fromtheir parents, teachers, and friends, so speak with an even tonedvoice when you’re upset. Make sure they understand that you neverwant to see such behavior, but don’t make a scene out of it.

  10. Train Your Staff to be Patient

  Many retailers employ young people because they are cheap laborand as a result, they are treated as “second class” employees bythe rest of the staff. Big mistake. Train your staff to treat themas equals. When the rest of the staff gives them respect they willbe more respectful to the customer.

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