You receive apromotion and are extremely proud. As the day goes by, you shareyour great news with your loved ones and find yourself feelingincreasingly happy. Fast forward a week later, and although you arestill feeling proud, the happiness you initially feltis dwindling,and your success has become just another check on yourlist。
You are notsure why, but know this is a cycle you find yourself in often -- acycle where your happiness seems to be temporary and your successis short lived。
This form ofhappiness is not true happiness, which is why it did not last. Truehappiness exists within and does not waver regardless of thecircumstances you find yourself in. It does not come from apromotion or a vacation, it comes from moving forward as life does.Everyone is born with happiness, but as you experience life, itbecomes tainted by situations or people. Getting to a point whereyou are again tapping into your true happiness can be verychallenging, particularly for people who are sensitive, intuitive,orempathic,but here you will find seven steps to help make the process easierfor yourself。
Step 1: Letthe past go
Holding on tothe past keeps you in place of unforgivingness, resentment, pain,longing, and regret as opposed to the opposite. It also keeps youstuck, which often creates an unfulfilling present. Start forgivingtoday and unravel all those years of pain. Let go of resentment andforgive those who have hurt you or who you have hurt, overcomemistakes made, and forget regrets. Allow yourself to move forwardand let go at the end of each day。
Step 2:Accept yourself and others
Comparingyourself to others will keep you in a place of not being goodenough or them not being good enough; either way coming to a pointof "not enough." If there is a feeling or thought of not enough, nomatter what you or others accomplish and receive in life, it willnot be enough. Accepting that everyone is unique and has their ownlife to live will make it easier to accept them andyourself。
Step 3:Connect to your source
Connecting toyour source means connecting to who you are, what your beliefs are,and what spirituality means to you. It means having a clearunderstanding of these and matching your actions as you giveyourself permission to live as who you are。
Step 4:Trust in yourself
Trusting inyourself means trusting your inner truth, even when it does notmatch that of others, and living and speaking it. It means beingconfident with choices and decisions you make and trusting the pathyou are on. It means trusting that you want the best for yourselfand will not allow anyone or anything to hurt you. This also helpsyou see the best in everything and everyone, making you feelsafe。
Step 5:Take responsibility
Takingresponsibility is more challenging than it sounds, butunderstanding that everything happens for a reason and that you dohave choice when something does not play out the way you thought itwould will help with the process. You have a choice on how you aregoing to let it affect your life. Even if life brings you what youdid not have in mind, embrace it. Take responsibility of yourselfand choose to see the blessing in everything。
Step 6:Adapt an attitude of gratitude
Yourattitude paves theway of your path, and any sort of negativity will create anungrateful experience. Adapting an attitude of gratitude andappreciating everything, specially the small stuff, will make lifemore enjoyable for you. It will also help you become moreoptimistic and positive. Practice waking up and being grateful forsimply being alive that day and see the ripple effectit creates。
Step 7:Create change
Instead ofwaiting for something to happen, go out and make things happen.Listen to yourself and make changes wherever you feel compelled. Ifyou want to improve the relationship between you and your mother,then go and create the change you want to take place in your life.If you are wanting more of an emotional connection, lead the wayand set the tone. Create change where you want it, and happinesswill naturally seep outof you with each step you take in the direction of yourgoal。