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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/04 19:00  新浪教育

  Teacher's Guide & Activity



  List and discuss several possible connections between food and mood-either some you have heard about or some that are mentioned in the article. Does your personal experience suggest that some of these associations may be true? Does any solid scientific evidence support them?

  What does a healthy diet mean to you? How can you choose foods that promote good health but are still fun and taste good? Create
a list of Good Food Guidelines based on what you know or have heard. Revise your guidelines as you read and discuss this issue.

  Reading Comprehension

  What tastes good in one culture is rejected in another. Insects, dried seaweed, and the saliva of sparrows are delicacies to some. Sound gross? Where do you think honey comes from?

  How might food and eating be different 100 years from now? What foods might be popular? Will people have changed the way they eat? Think creatively, but be ready to defend your predictions with logic.

  How might future scientific discoveries affect our knowledge of food and emotion? How might people use such knowledge, either today or in the future?

  In what ways do plant breeders and food scientists genetically alter foods? Are some methods safer than others, in your opinion?

  What benefits are expected?

  Why do some people worry about “designer foods”? Do you think their fears are justified?


  algae 藻类(植物)

  alginate (化)褐藻酸盐

  bacterial 细菌的

  calcium 钙

  chemosensory 感受化学刺激的

  chromosome 染色体

  drought 干旱

  enzyme (生化)酶

  gene 基因

  helix 螺旋结构,螺旋形物品

  impulse 冲动,推动

  indulgence 沉迷,嗜好

  leprosy 麻风病

  ligase (生化)连接酶

  macho 男子汉,男子气概

  menthol 薄荷醇

  metabolize (使)新陈代谢

  molecule 分子;克分子

  neurologist 神经病学家

  nucleus 细胞核

  nutrition 营养

  parsley 西芹

  pesticide 杀虫剂

  plasmid (生)质体,质粒

  protein 蛋白质

  prototype 样品

  serendipity 意外的发现

  sucrose (化)蔗糖

  toxin (生)毒素

  trigeminal 三叉神经的

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