

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月03日 16:49   新东方

  December 23,2008

  To Accommodation Officer:

  I am sorry to trouble you. But i serious have no idea. (for it seems I have no other choices but to write to you for help)

  I wants to change a room next term, because my roomate always has friends visiting.when

  I looked the book that they was deeply affected me so I can't serious studise.(Almost every time I read ,I am greatly bothered by them, making me hardly concentrate on my study )If somebody noise nearly me When i am looking the book that i would very angry.(what is the worse is that when I am bothered I am easy to be lost in great depression and even anger.)

  I would be take part in the examination for the graduate student.( Also, I will attend the entrance exam for the postgraduate , which requires a quiet surroundings for me to study well and rest well.)therefor i want (to ) live only myself (so) that i can put all myself into the studies. I am very need a room to study. Can you help me?

  Expecting you answer!





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