

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月03日 16:49   新东方

  Dear Accommodation Officer:

  I'm a college student in grade 2 and I ask for your permission to allow me to change (for)a single room next term.

  I have already thought about it for a long time and I really couldn't live with my roommate.He is an outgoing boy who likes to make friends with others.I think it's a good behavior except for one thing that his friends always visit our room.What's more ,not only (do)they play loudly in the day ,but also they make noise at night.The phenomenon has disturbed me seriously.I have to (,making me )sleep very late so that I feel exhausted in the class.

  Although I have communicated with him many times but it doesn't work.However,I feel we have a poor relation ship.Thus,in my opnion, can be solved only in this way (the only way to solve this is to change for another room).Thanks for (your)receiving my letter and I'm looking forward to your reply.

  Best wishes

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