

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月03日 16:49   新东方

  November 28, 2008

  Room 205, Building 3

  Dear Sir/Madam

  My name is xiao ming. I am a student majored in economy.

  There is a problem about the room which I and another student live in. As we seen(as we can see), the environment where we live is very good, (with)big room, comfortable bed, telephone and so on. But the student--my roommate, he (删)always has friends visiting. That makes me very difficult (it difficult for me)to work and have a rest. At the same time, my money and computer will be unsafe.

  So i hope that you can supply a new room for me next term. I hope the room is a single room, so i can work well and have a good rest. Of course, i can pay the money double.

  I'm looking forward (to )your answer.

  With many thanks

  xiao ming



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