

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月03日 16:54   新东方




  It often happens in our life that more and more college students are taken into the trap of psychological problem. It is wildly acknowledged that mental disease has been popular for many years in adult area, but no one knows why the trend spreads with a fantastic speed into the world of the young guys. Young men, about 18-25 years old, always feel frustrated in studying and working, losing heart in growing-up period. So psychologists are going to find the main reason for it.

  People differ in their opinions on the sickness. Someone contends that the society, we live in, is filled with too many oppressions. Much as serious competition is the key to get success, it can give rise to a lot of inner heart questions. Others argue that it largely depends on the ability of self-fitness. Considering the various conditions, we can not request everyone to act as a hero in front of difficulties. It is not uncommon that young ones are easy to be disturbed by some outside elements, such as failure, emotion problem and so on..

  In my opinion, psychological quest should not be taken seriously. As the proverb says that no pains, no gains. We are obliged to muster up courage, and overcome inner block to achieve release by ourselves. Only in this way can the new generation of our country become stronger and stronger.





  It is widely acknowledged that mental diseases have been popular for many years among working adults, but few have realized that the trend spreads at an alarming speed into the world of younger people. It often happens in our life that college students are trapped in psychological problems. Young men, about 18-25 years old, often feel frustrated in studying and working, losing heart in growing-up period.

  A number of factors may account for these problems. Some contend that the society we live in is filled with too much pressure. Much as severe competition is the key to success, it can give rise to a lot of psychological troubles. Others argue that it largely depends on the ability of self-fitness. Considering the various conditions, we can not require everyone to act as a hero in front of difficulties. It is not uncommon that young ones are easy to be disturbed by some outside elements, such as failure, emotion problem and so on.

  In my opinion, psychological problems should not be taken too serious. As the proverb says, no pains, no gains. We are obliged to muster up courage, and overcome inner block to achieve release by ourselves. Only in this way can the new generation of our country become stronger and healthier.

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