

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月03日 16:54   新东方



  Owing to the acceleration of people's living rhythm.a great many people have a psychological problems in that they live in a tremendous shadow which filled with fierce competition.esepcially our college students.we can easily find that a large number of students get angry with trivial.whtat's more, we heared that some guys suicide.these behavior has already aroused the public attention from the public.

  A multitude of factors .both individual and society.on one hand.as the graduate become saturated.college students will confront with more serious situation for looking for job.hence,only study hard,can they have more opportunities to find a right job.as a result ,they fail to devote time to cope with stress from all kinds of aspects. in addition.the lack of respectable ,understanding between the relationship also cause the psychological problems.college students are indifferent with their classmate ,they prefer to stay alone,even if they have difficults.

  As a college students in contemporary society.first of all ,we should be aware of the passive effects caused by psychological problems.we should learn to adjust our mind and be optimistic toward trouble.if necessary .we could consult with psychological doctor.





  Owing to the acceleration of people's life rhythm, a great many people have psychological problems in that they live in a tremendous shadow which is filled with fierce competition. This is especially true with college students. We can easily find that a large number of students get angry with trivial things. What’s more, we frequently hear that some of them have committed suicide. These behaviors have already aroused attention from the public.

  A multitude of factors may have contributed to psychological problems among college students. On the one hand, as the job market becomes saturated, college students are confronted with a grave situation of job-hunting. Hence, only by studying hard can they have more opportunities to find an ideal job. As a result, they fail to devote time to cope with stress from all kinds of aspects. In addition, the lack of respect and understanding from others also cause the psychological problems. College students are indifferent to their classmates, and prefer to stay alone, even if they have difficulty.

  As college students in contemporary society, we should be aware of the passive effects caused by psychological problems. We should learn to adjust our mind and be optimistic toward trouble. If necessary, we could consult with psychological doctors.

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