

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月10日 16:29   新浪教育

  12.It is, (everyone agrees), a huge task that the child performs when he learns to speak, and the fact that he does so in so short a period of time challenges explanation.

  结构:共有6个谓语动词,其中主句谓语动词为ischallenges。and连接两个并列主句。(everyone agrees)为插入语。第二个that引导the fact的同位语从句。拆分为:

  1) It is a huge task.

  2) The child performs the task.

  3) When he learns to speak.

  4) The fact challenges explanation.

  5) That he does so in so short period of time.


  13.Computer crime, (a phrase denoting illegal and surreptitious attempts to invade data banks in order to steal or modify records, or to release over computer networks software called a virus that destroys data and programs), has grown at an alarming rate since the development of computer communications.

  结构:共有2个谓语动词,其中主句的为has grown。主干为Computer crime has grown at an alarming rate…。中间的(a phrase…programs)是插入语,虽然很长,但是即使看不懂也不重要,只要明白是在解释computer crime即可。denoting illegal and surreptitious attempts …作为分词修饰a phrase。steal or modify records, or to release …software为并列结构。called a virus修饰software。


  14. Britain almost more than any other country in the world must seriously face the problem of building upwards, (that is to say), of accommodating a considerable proportion of its population in high blocks of flats.

  结构:共有2个谓语动词,其中主句谓语动词为must face。主干为:Britain must face the problem。 almost more than any other country in the world作为Britain的后置定语。(that is to say)是插入语,意为“也就是说”。 两个of介词短语都在修饰the problem。


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