After years of endless research, he came to the conclusion which resulted in his theory of evolution by natural selection, which was published in his book The Origin of Species in 1859. Putting forward the concept that evolution and not God was responsible for the creation of human beings, Darwin shook society as we know it, to its very core. This book raised a number of important scientific questions and changed the way life was once viewed through the eyes of the church. The best example of Darwin's theory of evolution in action was explained based upon his research of the various finches found in the Galapagos. He noted that on each of the islands the finches were all slightly different from each other, with shorter or longer beaks, a different diet and fuller or less plumage. In honor of his research of these birds, the finches of the Galapagos are now known as Darwin's finches。
第二篇 达尔文进化论
达尔文的进化论,他是在航行的时候发现的,有化石和现存的生物作为例子,但是他不敢发表好象是因为他觉得可靠的data 不够,同时有一个什么HC 人跟他一起发现了进化论,但是达尔文的得到了更多的认可。
【重点词汇解析】 Darwin 达尔文 Evolution Theory 进化论 Natural Selection 自然选择 Chain Island 岛链 Fossil 化石 Species 物种 Data 数据
Darwin & The Galapagos Islands The tiny volcanic island chain of the Galapagos has played a huge role in the formation of Charles Darwin's 'theory of evolution'. Darwin visited the Galapagos aboard the HMS Beagle in 1835, as part of a five year navigational mission to chart the coast of South America for the British Royal Navy. Under the command of Captain Robert Fitzroy, the expedition was drawing to a close when the Beagle landed in the Galapagos on Isla San Cristobal. In his early 20's at the time, Darwin was a young and unknown naturalist interested in joining the ministry. However, after doing extensive research and making a number of astute observations about the flora and fauna found on the four islands he had visited, Darwin became more interested in the natural sciences. He also became very keen on understanding the differences between the animal and plant species found on each of the islands, namely Isla Isabela, the Isla Floreana, the Isla Santiago and the Isla San Cristobal. He additionally noted that on each of these islands closely akin species behaved differently, which made him wonder how all of this was possible. After years of endless research, he came to the conclusion which resulted in his theory of evolution by natural selection, which was published in his book The Origin of Species in 1859. Putting forward the concept that evolution and not God was responsible for the creation of human beings, Darwin shook society as we know it, to its very core. This book raised a number of important scientific questions and changed the way life was once viewed through the eyes of the church. The best example of Darwin's theory of evolution in action was explained based upon his research of the various finches found in the Galapagos. He noted that on each of the islands the finches were all slightly different from each other, with shorter or longer beaks, a different diet and fuller or less plumage. In honor of his research of these birds, the finches of the Galapagos are now known as Darwin's finches。
第三篇 南亚某族群农业的发展
版本二:还有一篇Southwest Asia的分布于地中海附近的人种特征(是起源于K的N还是反过来,记不得了) 【过往机经】agriculture of a group of people in sahara desert 一个 N 的人在Southern Asia 讲了他们的祖先,他们怎么种植怎么选地方住。
【重点词汇解析】 Sahara Desert 撒哈拉大沙漠 South Asia 南亚 Southwest Asia 西南亚 Mediterranean 地中海 Agriculture 农业 Plant 植物 Nomad 游牧民族
【机经解析】 南亚居民向地中海区域迁徙
The West Asians farmers living in Anatolia and Caucasus may have been pushed westward to Europe and southward to the middle east, spreading their refined culture to the south (Halaf, Samarra, Obeid and ultimately Sumer) and the west (Vinca, Dimini). That second wave of Neolithic didn't reach Western, Northern and Southwestern Europe (except Sicily and southern Italy which are high in J2) that is why western and northern european have more Mediterranean than west Aian admixture。