
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年03月15日 14:29   英语教师网







  [误] Tom failed his exam.

  [正] Tom failed in his exam.

  [正] Tom failed to pass the exam.

  [析] fail为不及物动词,其后可用in加名词,或直接接不定式。


  [误] I'm sorry I have to go. Tom's families are waiting for me.

  [误] I'm sorry I have to go. Tom's family is waiting for me.

  [正] I'm sorry I have to go. Tom's family are waiting for me.

  [析] family是集合名词,把它当作整体看它是单数,如看作家庭中的每个成员则为复数。如:Your family are very kind to me. My family is very large.


  [误] My school is ten miles far from here.

  [正] My school is ten miles away from here.

  [析] far一般不与实际距离连用。

  [误] "Did you walk far?"

  "Yes,I walked far." 

  [正] "Did you walk far?"

  "Yes, I walked a long way." 

  [析] 一般肯定句中不用far单独作状语,而用a long way.far组成的常用词组有:as far as. ①远至,一直到。如:He walked as far as the station. ②就……而言。如:As far as he was concerned these books were very good. ③只要。如:I can help you as far as I can. so for到目前为止。例:He is very well so far.

  farther further

  far有两个比较级,即farther和further,其意思略有不同:farther主要用于表示距离的远近,如:Milan is farther away than Rome. 而further则是指"进一步的",如:Will we need any further discussion on this matter.


  [误] A fast train runs fastly.

  [正] A fast train runs fast.

  [析] fast其形容词与副词形式相同。

  fast soon

  fast指行动本身的速度快,如:The foreigner speaks too fast. 而soon则多指两个动作之间间隔短,时间到来的迅速,如:She will come soon.

  feel 

  [误] I feel badly about my mistakes.

  [正] I feel bad about my mistakes.

  [析] 感观动词如feel, smell等后面要接形容词而不是副词。feel good是指某人精神好,而feel well是指人身体状况良好。

  [误] I try not to hurt her feeling.

  [正] I try not to hurt her feelings.

  [析] feeling在作"感情"讲时要用复数,而作"感觉"讲则要用单数。如:I have a feeling that we will win the game.

  few 

  [误] Few of them is very good.

  [正] Few of them are very good.

  [析] few意为"几乎没有",但要用复数谓语动词。如果讲有一些人应用a few, 如:There were only a few people in the street.

  [误] There are less farms than there used to be.

  [正] There are fewer farms than there used to be.

  [析] few的比较级为fewer,其后接可数名词;而little的 比较级为less,其后接不可数名词。

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