2008年12月13日 18:15 新浪教育
2008年可以说是多事之年,其中美国大选一波三折,经济危机让全球震动。美国《时代》杂志最近评出了2008年度十大尴尬瞬间,其中竟有四件与美国大选有关。 ![]() 布什等麦凯恩不耐烦跳舞打发时间
1. Bush dances while waiting for McCain It was already going to be a delicate moment of political theater — an unpopular president offering a candidate he didn't really like an endorsement the candidate didn't really want. But the situation was made all the more awkward when George W. Bush went to the North Portico steps of the White House in March to welcome new Republican presidential nominee John McCain — and McCain wasn't there. "So, anyway," Bush said to waiting reporters. "As I was saying..." Still no McCain. The president smiled. And then he did a soft-shoe dance. "I'm just going to tap dance the day away," he said. Minutes later, McCain arrived with wife in tow, and the tap-dancing president endorsed the tardy candidate. 第一、布什等麦凯恩不耐烦跳舞打发时间 2008年3月5日,在获得党内提名所需的1191张党代表票后,美国共和党总统候选人约翰·麦凯恩前往白宫,与总统布什共进午餐,作为布什正式宣布支持他的前奏。但布什却被麦凯恩晾在白宫北门等了好一会儿。早早来到白宫北门的布什左等右等麦凯恩不到,为了调节气氛,竟然在众位记者面前独自跳起踢跶舞来。
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