2008年12月13日 18:15 新浪教育
![]() 足球送到错误赛场
9. Aerial duo parachute into wrong stadium Duke University officials were caught off guard in August when, an hour before a football game kickoff, two men parachuted into the stadium and landed at the 35-yard line with a ball. "All we know is, they must have missed their jump site," a Duke official said. They had. The parachuters were supposed to drop eight miles away and deliver the ball to the University of North Carolina. Apparently the jumpers delayed the leap into the UNC stadium because of some nasty weather. When the clouds finally parted, the skydivers went for it — realizing only when they hit the turf at Duke that they were in the wrong stadium. 第九、足球送到错误赛场 今年8月,美国大学足球比赛开始前一个小时,两名男子乘降落伞抱着一个足球降落在杜克大学赛场上。但是此时杜克大学赛场上已经有了比赛用球。原来,他们是为北卡罗来纳大学送球,但是因为天气原因降落错了赛场。
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