2008年12月13日 18:15 新浪教育
![]() 奥巴马演讲中忘记帮希拉里还债
5. Barack almost forgets to ask donors to help with Hillary's campaign debt It was supposed to be an opportunity for Barack Obama to soothe the tensions that still simmered between Hillary Clinton's supporters and his own. In July, the senator had secured the Democratic nomination and planned to use a New York City fundraising event to solicit donations to help pay off Clinton's millions of dollars in campaign debt. But Obama gave a 32-minute speech that never mentioned the debt and started walking off to Stevie Wonder's "Signed, Sealed, and Delivered," before realizing his error. Rushing back on stage, Obama said, "Hold on a second, guys! I was getting all carried away!" He then solicited the help, and doubts about whether fences had been mended were put to rest — months later, when Clinton agreed to serve as Obama's secretary of state. 第五、奥巴马演讲中忘记帮希拉里还债 今年7月,奥巴马基本确定能够获得民主党总统候选人的党内提名,并计划利用纽约筹款集会的机会,恳求捐款人帮他还清希拉里欠下的数百万美元的竞选债务。对于奥巴马来说,那是缓和希拉里的支持者与自己关系的一个良机。但是在奥巴马32分钟的演讲中,只字未提希拉里。就在奥巴马要走下台时,突然意识到自己的错误,他又急忙返回台上,奥巴马说:“请大家等一下!”然后,他恳求支持者们慷慨解囊,帮希拉里还债。几个月后,希拉里成为奥巴马的国务卿。
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