2008年12月13日 18:15 新浪教育
7. Sarah Palin's turkey pardon It's the kind of fun, mindless photo op a politician really can't mess up: the Thanksgiving turkey pardon. But somehow the Alaska governor's trip to the Triple D Farm and Hatchery outside Wasilla went, well, foul. After pardoning a 30-lb. gobbler, Palin stepped outside the hatchery to give a televised interview, and as she was talking about life on the campaign trail, state budget cuts and her holiday plans, a man a few feet behind the governor was slaughtering turkeys and draining their blood in full view of the cameras. "This was neat," Palin said of the outing. Maybe for her, but not for the turkeys. 第七、佩林赦免火鸡遭涮 根据美国传统,在感恩节前夕,美国总统及相关官员都会正式“赦免”一只火鸡,让它颐养天年。今年,共和党副总统候选人佩林获得一个农场邀请,担任“赦免火鸡”的贵宾。不过,讽刺的是,当佩林赦免完一只15公斤重的火鸡之后,在接受采访大谈大选生活时,镜头中她身后的一名男子正满手是血,一只接一只地宰杀火鸡。
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