2008年12月13日 18:15 新浪教育
![]() 格林斯潘震惊自由市场经济有缺陷
2. Greenspan "shocked" to find flaws in his free-market ideology He used to be known as "The Maestro," for presiding over such a long period of economic growth. But this fall the former Federal Reserve chairman was being blamed for the laissez faire economic policies that contributed to the current financial crisis. In Congressional testimony in October, Alan Greenspan acknowledged that he was "partially" wrong in opposing financial regulation. "Yes, I found a flaw," he said, when grilled about his free-market ideology. "That is precisely the reason I was shocked, because I'd been going for 40 years or more with very considerable evidence that it was working exceptionally well." Also shocked is anyone who plans on retiring before the end of the next geologic era. 第二、格林斯潘震惊自由市场经济有缺陷 前 美联储主席格林斯潘令世界经济持续增长,被尊称为“艺术大师”。但是2008年秋,格林斯潘自由放任的经济政策饱受责难,在一定程度上导致了当前的金融危机。在10月举行的美国国会听证会上,格林斯潘承认,自由市场理论“有缺陷” ,无拘无束的自由市场并不一定是良好经济的根基。格林斯潘对这个缺陷感到“震惊”,因为四十多年来,他一直认为有确凿证据证明这种理论的效果非常好。格林斯潘还称,银行自我调节能力的全面崩溃令他“万分震惊,难以置信”。他还提醒人们关注这场危机的经济影响,称“真不知道我们怎么能避免裁员和失业人数大增”。
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