2008年12月13日 18:15 新浪教育
![]() 由于无证持枪,将面临三年半监禁
8. Plaxico's off-the-field injury Sometimes you really shoot yourself in the foot. Or thigh, if you're New York Giants wide receiver Plaxico Burress. Burress, 31, who caught the winning touchdown in the Giants' Super Bowl victory in February, was hanging out in a New York City nightclub when the Glock semi-automatic pistol he had holstered in his sweatpants dropped and discharged a bullet into his right thigh. Catching a pigskin while a throng of hulking men are bearing down on you? No problem. Catching a gun dropping down your pants? Tricky. Burress' injuries were minor but, as far New York State law is concerned, the incident wasn't. He has been charged with possession of an unregistered handgun and faces a mandatory sentence of three and a half years in state prison. Burress's lawyer told reporters his client would "deal with the legal process in a responsible and professional manner." The Giants, meanwhile, have suspended Burress for the rest of the season. He is scheduled to return to court March 31. 第八、纽约巨人队队员自残 31岁的纽约巨人队队员普拉西科·布雷斯今年2月曾带枪进入一家夜总会,不料当他把手伸进裤口袋时,不小心扣动了扳机,击中自己的大腿,被送往 医院治疗。布雷斯的伤势并不严重,但却被控告无证持枪,面临三年半监禁。
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