2008年12月13日 18:15 新浪教育
4. The View over use of the N word Really, is there any better place for probing cultural analysis than daytime television? Tempers flared when the co-hosts of ABC's The View discussed Jesse Jackson's off-air use of the "N-word" while preparing for an appearance on Fox News. Elisabeth Hasselbeck disagreed with Whoopi Goldberg and Sherri Shepherd about the use of the word. Hasselbeck made the case that it's a slur and should never be used, Goldberg that it's OK for African Americans to say it. Then the two women argued about whether they live in the same world, Hasselbeck started to cry and Barbara Walters snapped, "Take a breath, let someone else talk." And the wounds of a nation were healed. 第四、节目主持人直播中争吵 美国广播公司《视角》节目开始前,主持人伊丽莎白·哈瑟尔贝克与乌比·戈德堡,就重量级黑人牧师耶西· 杰克逊攻击奥巴马时使用的“贬低黑人用语”发生激烈争论。哈瑟尔贝克认为那是一个污点,杰克逊永远不会再使用。而戈德堡称非洲裔美国人可以使用。然后,两位女性开始争论他们是否生活在同样的世界中。
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