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2013年01月31日10:27  沪江英语 微博   


  • 1-泰勒·斯威夫特说男友忠诚最重要
  • 2-泰勒·斯威夫特说男友忠诚最重要
  • 3-泰勒·斯威夫特说男友忠诚最重要
  • 4-泰勒·斯威夫特说男友忠诚最重要
  • 5-泰勒•斯威夫特说男友忠诚最重要

  Taylor Swift's love life is under a hot spotlight, but at the end of the day, she's just another 23-year-old girl playing the dating game。泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)的爱情生活一直是众人热议的焦点,但不管怎么说,她也只是个游戏人间的23岁女生而已。

  In a recent appearance on Spanish show El Hormiguero, the "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together" singer said she doesn't necessarily "have a type" of guy she likes, but he has to be faithful。在最近参加西班牙节目El Hormiguero时,泰勒说对于男生,她没有“特定的喜欢类型”,但男朋友一定要忠诚。

  "I think that loyalty is something that's really important in your friends, in your relationships, in your family," she said. When asked whether "infidelity" was a major non-negotiable, the blond beauty answered with a defiant "Yes!"“我觉得无论是对朋友,恋人还是亲人,忠诚都是非常重要的,”她说。当被问到男友“不忠”是不是绝对不能接受的品质时,她 非常坚定的说“是!”

  Taylor says part of her "just wants to be alone"Other than a no-tolerance policy for cheaters, Taylor has an open heart. "I don't really think too hard about what people think or why you should like someone," she said. "I think in 20s we're just like, 'Oh, I'll try hanging out with him' or 'I'll try being single.'""除了不能容忍不忠之外,泰勒在其他方面还是很宽容的。“我不太会考虑别人的看法或是喜欢一个人的原因,”她说。“我觉得人在20多岁的时候想的都是,‘哦,我可以跟他约会试试’或是‘我该单身一阵子。’”

  "You're kind of all over the place," she said. "We're crazy. We're in our 20s."“20多岁的人应该是很欢乐的,”她说。“我们就要疯,我们是20多岁的年轻人。”

  Well, Harry Styles, who Taylor dated briefly at the end of 2012, is actually just 18. But his youth won't buy him a second chance at love with T.Swizzle. "Once a relationship's done, it's done," she said. "I think that ["We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together"] kinda says it."呃,和泰勒在2012年底短暂约会过的哈利·斯泰尔斯(Harry Styles)其实只有18岁,但是他的青春却无法换回泰勒的爱。“一段恋情结束了就是结束了,”她说。“我觉得这句话(‘我们不可能复合了’)差不多就能说明一切了。”

  "Maybe I wrote that song so I would never get back in that relationship," she added. (We can't be sure who that infectious

  pop ditty is about, but if we were the betting kind, we'd go with Jake Gyllenhaal。) "Because once you write that about it, there's no way you're getting back together."“也许我写那首歌就是为了不再回到那段恋情中,”她补充道。(我们不确定这首朗朗上口的歌到底是写谁的,但是如果要赌的话,我们猜是杰克·吉伦哈尔/Jake Gyllenhaal。)“因为在为逝去的恋情写过歌之后,你就不可能再回头了。”

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