
2013年02月17日14:18  沪江英语 微博   

  Overdid it , and think it might happen again? Before you start feeling guilty, know that taking a too-strict approach after a binge will most certainly backfire. One of the biggest mistakes I see is people beating themselves up and then trying to "undo the damage" too fast. Here, the habits guilt-trippers get trapped in, and better ways to get on track。吃多了,担心会再吃多?在你有负罪感之前,还是了解一下大吃大喝后哪些过分严格的控制行为可不可取,这些只不过是事后诸葛亮,毫无用处。我发现人们最大的错误就是立即运动起来,试图迅速弥补大吃大喝带来的“伤害”。下面是一些有负罪感的吃货们经常做的事情,我们为此提出了更好地解决方案。

  1. Mistake: Weighing yourself错误一:称体重

  You know that your weight can fluctuate a lot from day to day—two pounds from water weight alone is totally normal. So if you ate too much last night, especially salty foods that can cause water retention, your scale will reflect it the next morning. Don’t subject yourself to unnecessary angst! Steer clear of the scale and focus on having a healthy day instead. (If you wait 48 hours to hop on the scale, your temporary water weight may well disappear by then。)要知道,人的体重每天变化是十分反复的——光喝水就能增加2磅体重,这是十分正常的情况。所以如果你昨天晚上吃的太多,尤其是吃了太咸的东西导致大量饮水,第二天早上你的体重便会增加。别让自己陷入不必要的焦虑!不要把注意力放在秤的数字上,不如想想如何健康度过每一天。(过48小时后再称称看,你会发现,那些暂时囤积的水的重量已经消失了。)

  2. Mistake: Skipping breakfast错误二:不吃早餐

  Still stuffed? Don’t blow off breakfast—if you do, I can pretty much guarantee you’ll have a bigger lunch or dinner than you want. Ample research shows that people who eat breakfast weigh less and eat healthier than people who skip it. If the thought of a big morning meal makes you queasy, have a little fruit and cottage cheese, a piece of toast with a light coating of peanut butter, or a small bowl of oatmeal and berries。还不饿?那也不能不吃早饭。如果不吃,我保证你在午餐或晚餐时会吃的更多,大量研究表明比起不吃早餐的人来,按时吃早餐的人体重较轻,且饮食更健康。如果早上吃太多会觉得不舒服,那就吃点水果,一些白软干酪,一片涂了花生酱的烤土司,或一小碗浆果燕麦。

  3. Mistake: Going crazy at the gym错误三:在健身房疯狂运动

  If your usual workout routine is 20 minutes on the elliptical, don't sign up for back-to-back Spinning, Zumba, and Ultimate Abs in an effort to torch off every last crumb. Jumping into a too-intense workout can raise your risk of getting injured. But don't loaf around either: A brisk walk can help with digestion and soothe that bloated belly feeling。如果你平时只是在椭圆机上运动20分钟,那就千万不要为了燃烧脂肪而去参加诸如动感单车、尊巴舞,或终极腹肌训练这种高强度的运动。突然增大运动强度很有可能会让你受伤。但也别偷懒,快走可以帮助消化,还能减小吃胀的大肚子。

  4. Mistake: Skimping on sleep错误四:少睡觉

  A new Columbia University study found that people are more likely to crave junky food, like pepperoni

  pizza, cake, and cheeseburgers, on four hours of sleep than they are on eight hours. Why? Possibly because your brain craves a quick energy boost from these foods to help it fire on all cylinders. Don't cave in. Get a good night’s snooze the night of and after you overeat, to avoid getting in a bad eating cycle。哥伦比亚大学新的研究表明,和那些每天睡眠8小时的人相比,那些只睡4小时的更喜欢吃垃圾食品,比如意式辣肠披萨,蛋糕,芝士汉堡等。为什么呢?有可能是因为你的大脑希望能够快速的摄取能量。千万别上当。如果你吃多了,就好好地睡一觉,补充睡眠,防止陷入恶性的饮食循环。

  5. Mistake: Saying "I'll Never Eat ____ Again"错误五:说“我再也不吃____了”

  One of the worst things after a day of less-than-ideal eating is to make any absolute food promises. Swearing off carbs (or fried food, or sweets) may last for a few days or even a few weeks, but research shows that the best weight-loss plans allow for some indulgence

  in moderation. Don’t make any quick decisions or resolutions! The best thing you can do is just get back to your usual eating M.O。乱吃一天之后最怕的就是胡乱说出某些保证。也许,你可以坚持几天(甚至几个星期)不碰任何淀粉类食物(或油炸食品,甜食等),但研究表明最好的减肥计划是要摄入这些食品的。所以千万别轻易下决定!最好的方法就是回归到你正常饮食规律中来。


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