Menswear is a retail segment on the rise, but some cities have been quicker to embrace new style trends than others。在零售市场上,男装的销售正在走俏。而有些城市的男人显然更乐于追逐时尚。
Custom suitmaker Arden Reed found the best-dressed cities in America when it comes to men's fashion, looking at regional Google search results for "men's style" and their own figures on apparel expenditures per person。定制西服设计师亚顿-里德通过在不同城市中用谷歌搜索“男士时尚”的关键词,并且结合自己所拥有的关于不同地域男士在服装上的花费,得出了全美男士着装最佳的城市。
America is changing. The advent of Mad Men, Suits and White Collar has created a more style conscious man。美国正在变化。随着美剧《广告狂人》、《金装律师》、《妙贼警探》的热播,男士们对时尚也越来越敏感了。
Looking for “Men’s Style”搜索“男士时尚”
Search results for “Men’s Style” has increased over 20% in the last two years搜索“男士时尚”,所得到的结果比两年前增加了20%
Menswear Purchases are growing 30% faster than womenswear男装销售的增长要比女装快30%
Most Stylish Cities男士最会穿的城市
We checked search results for “Men’s Style” regionally within the United States and backchecked our figures with apparel expenditures per person. This allowed us to come up with the best dressed cities in America for men。我们查阅了在美国不同地区输入关键词“男士时尚”的搜索结果,并和我们自己的人均服装消费记录做了对比。得出了全美男士着装最佳的城市。
No.1: New York 第一名:纽约
No.2: Los Angeles 第二名:洛杉矶
No.3: San Diego 第三名:圣地亚哥
No.4: Chicago 第四名:芝加哥
No.5: Seattle 第五名:西雅图
No.6: Boston 第六名:波士顿
No.7: Denver 第七名:丹佛
No.8: San Francisco 第八名:旧金山
No.9: Washington 第九名:华盛顿
No.10: Phoenix 第十名:凤凰城
Who are these men?这些男士都是谁?
62% more salary per year than the average62%的男士年收入高于平均水平
40% more likely to have a bachelor’s degree40%的男士拥有学士学位
42% more likely to have never been married42%的男士从未结过婚
Spend 22% more on apparel than the average American这些男士在服装上的花费要比美国人均服装花费多22%
The worst dressed cites男士最不会穿的城市
We also wanted to take a look at which markets were the worst dressed. We took the best correlating metric to be the cities with the most searches for a certain bedazzled shirt brand. The top three ranked as follows: Las Vegas, Irvine, Richardson。我们也想看一看那些男士最不会穿衣的城市。我们采用了关联度最大的衡量标准,即那些低档的男装品牌在哪些城市中被搜索得最多。我们也得出了三个穿衣最平庸的城市,它们依次是:拉斯维加斯、尔湾市和理查森市。