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2013年02月26日11:38  沪江英语 微博   我有话说

  To the next famous guy who decides to date Taylor Swift: Be prepared to get some unwanted shoutouts well after you and the songstress have broken up。致下一个想要和泰勒·斯威夫特交往的名人:在你和她分手很久以后,一些你不想听到的咆哮会突然冒出来,你可要做好心理准备。


  Swift made plenty of headlines after her Grammy performance of her tune “We Are Never, Ever Getting Back Together” during which Swift stopped mid-song with the line: "So he calls me up and he's like, 'I still love you,'" the 23-year-old chirped, putting on a bit of a British accent, in what many believed was an imitation of her most recent ex-boyfriend, pop star Harry Styles. “And I'm like, 'I'm sorry, I'm busy opening up the Grammys. And we're never getting back together, like, ever.'”斯威夫特在格莱美表演了歌曲“We Are Never, Ever Getting Back Together”登上了多家媒体的头条,在歌中她唱到:“他打电话给我,告诉我还爱我”,23岁的斯威夫特尖声尖气地唱着,特意带着些英国口音,很多人认为她在模仿刚刚分手的前男友,One Direction成员哈里·斯泰尔斯,“我说,‘对不起,我忙着要准备格莱美的开场。我们再也不会回到一起了,再也不会了。’”

  Her mission may not have been accomplished though, as Styles took the high road when asked about Swift and her performance on a British radio show this week。不过,当被问及泰勒·斯威夫特和她英国广播节目上的表演时,斯泰尔斯完全没有回避。这样看来,泰勒·斯威夫特的目标可能没有达成。

  "She's a great performer and she always performs great," he praised. "She's always good on the stage. She's been doing it a long time. She knows what she's doing on stage. It was just another good Taylor Swift performance."“她是个很好的表演者,她的演出也都很精彩,”他赞扬道。“她在舞台上的表现一直很好。一直以来她都是这样做的。她知道她在舞台上干什么。这也不过只是另一个很精彩的泰勒·斯威夫特演出而已。”

  John Mayer

  There was, of course, her ballad “Dear John,” which she wrote after her breakup with ladies’ man John Mayer after their short-lived 2009 relationship. The song was released on her 2010 Speak Now album。和约翰·梅尔分手后她写的这首著名歌曲《Dear John》当然值得一提。约翰·梅尔是个很讨女人喜欢的男人,他们两人曾经在2009年有过一段短暂的恋情。这首歌在她2010年的专辑《Speak Now》中发行。

  "Dear John, I see it all now that you're gone/Don't think I was too young to be messed with?/The girl in the dress cried the whole way home/I should've known," is the tune’s chorus. Another verse goes: "Well, maybe it's just me and my blind optimism to blame/Or maybe it's you and your sick need to give love then take it away."“亲爱的约翰,我现在发现你已不再/你不觉得我这么年轻的女孩不适合乱搞吗?/穿着连衣裙的女孩哭了一整路回家/我早该知道的,”这是这首歌的副歌部分。歌里还有一段唱到:“哎,也许应该怪我,是我瞎了眼/也许应该怪你,你给出爱再收回爱,让人厌恶。”

  The message was received loud and clear, according to Mayer himself … and not appreciated. “It made me feel terrible. Because I didn't deserve it. I'm pretty good at taking accountability now, and I never did anything to deserve that. It was a really lousy thing for her to do,” Mayer said in Rolling Stone last year。约翰·梅尔曾对此作出回应,表示他已经清楚地受到了这条信息,并且他不喜欢这样。“这让我感觉很不舒服,因为我没有那么恶劣。我是一个很负责任的人,我根本不应该受到这种待遇。她这样做真的很不厚道,”梅尔在去年接受《滚石杂志采访》时说道。

  Joe Jonas

  But before that song, there was the 2008 tune “Forever and Always,” which Swift has publicly stated was about one of her first boyfriends, Joe Jonas, with whom she had a few-months relationship in 2008 before he famously broke up with her in what she later claimed on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” was a 27-second phone call。不过在那首歌之前,2008年泰勒·斯威夫特还写过一曲《Forever and Always》。她公开声明这首歌所写的是她的第一任男友乔·强纳斯。他们两人在2008年曾有过几个月的恋情,之后强纳斯高调提出分手,之后斯威夫特在艾伦秀上提到他是在一个27秒的电话里提出分手的。

  “Was I out of line?/Did I say something way too honest/That made you run and hide like a scared little boy?/I looked into your eyes, thought I knew you for a minute/Now I'm not so sure,” the lyrics go。“是我不正常?/是我太诚实/让你像小孩一样吓得逃走了吗?/我看着你的眼睛,我以为我认识你/我不能确定了,” 歌词这样唱道。

  "I've written about [the split with Jonas], and I like to write about my life ... that's just how I deal with things," she said on Ryan Seacrest’s radio show that year。去年她在瑞安·西克莱斯特的广播节目中说道:“我写过和强纳斯分手的事情,我也喜欢写我自己的生活,这就是我做事的方法。”

  Jake Gyllenhaal

  Though many think that her tune “The Last Time” is about ex Jake Gyllenhaal, whom she dated at the end of 2011, the most cutting

  words had for the actor came not through song, but through media interviews. "The idea was based on this experience I had with someone who was kind of this unreliable guy,” she told NPR last November. “You never know when he's going to leave, you never know when he's going to come back, but he always does come back。”虽然很多人认为《The Last Time》写的是斯威夫特在2011年末交往的前男友杰克·吉伦哈尔,不过针对他最刻薄的话不是这首歌里写着的,而是在媒体采访时说到的。“这首歌的灵感是我曾经和一个很不靠谱的男生交往的事情,” 她在去年11月这样告诉美国国家公共广播的记者记者。“你永远都想不到他什么时候会离开,你也不会知道他什么时候会回来,不过他最后总会回来。”

  Taylor Lautner

  But it was a fellow Taylor, “Twilight” actor Taylor Lautner, Swift’s boyfriend for a few months in late 2009, who got off easy and became the first and only guy that Swift has actually apologized to via song. Apparently the two, who met on the set of “Valentine’s Day,” departed amicably and her 2010 tune “Back to December” is directed at him. 不过《暮光之城》男星泰勒·洛特的日子就好过多了。他是斯威夫特在2009年底交往过的男朋友,是第一个也是唯一一个斯威夫特在歌中向其道歉的人。这两个人是在电影《情人节》中认识的,很显然这两个人是友好分手的,斯威夫特之后2010年的《Back to December》所写的就是他。

  "It addresses a first for me," Swift told E! News in 2010. "I've never apologized to someone in a song before ... The person I wrote this song for deserves this. This is about a person who was incredible to me – just perfect to me in a relationship – and I was really careless with him."“这对我来说是第一次,”斯威夫特在2010年对E!News记者说。“我从来都没有在歌中向人道过歉。这个人值得我这样做。他对我非常非常好——这简直是一段完美的恋情——但是我对他还不够关心。”

  "So this is me swallowing my pride/ Standing in front of you saying 'I'm sorry' for that night/ And I go back to December all the time/ It turns out freedom ain't nothing/,” go the lyrics. “Missing you, wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine/ I'd go back to December, turn around and make it all right/ I go back to December all the time." “于是现在我放下自尊/站在你面前,对你说那天晚上真的对不起/我总想回到十二月/原来自由什么都不是,”歌词这样唱道。“我想你,多希望你还在时我能意识到/我想回到十二月,改变自己,让一切恢复正常/我总想回到十二月。”

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