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2013年05月06日10:55  沪江英语 微博   
预则立不预则废:跳槽前的心理建设 预则立不预则废:跳槽前的心理建设

  You’re not alone. Right now most people are unhappy with their jobs. A boring job can give you a heart attack. And people with no job are happier than people with a lousy one.·不是只有你想跳槽。现在大部分人都对当前的工作不满意。无聊的工作会让你心脏病发作的。甚至没工作的人都比拥有一个差劲的工作的人更开心。

  If you’re afraid of losing your job, you probably should be. Job insecurity can kill you. And you want to find a new job before you lose the one you have.·假如你很害怕失去现在的工作,你完全有理由感到害怕。工作缺乏安全感会要了你的命。你一定希望在失去你当前的工作之前就找到一个新工作。

  When you start looking it pays to know which careers make people happy and unhappy. The secret to landing interviews is networking.·当你寻找新工作时你要知道哪些工作令人快乐和不快乐。想要增加面试机会的方法就是拓宽你的人脉。

  If possible, try to schedule the interview for a sunny day. Make sure you look your best. And guys, don’t be modest.·如果可以的话,尽量把面试安排在晴天。确保你看上去是你最好的状态。另外,别太谦虚了。

  During the interview focus on making good first impressions. Understand good body language. And a firm handshake pays off.·在面试中注意做出能制造良好第一印象的举动。了解那些好的肢体语言,比如紧紧地握手。

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