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2013年05月24日10:21  沪江英语 微博   
7大原因深度解析:为何有些恋爱注定会失败? 7大原因深度解析:为何有些恋爱注定会失败?

  Any new relationship comes with the initial rush and happiness of being with someone and of having found oneself a companion. Yes, a new relationship brings along with it the promise of love and joy。任何恋爱最初总是充满懵懂和甜蜜,生命突然出现了另一半,爱情与快乐亦随之而来。

  But things might not always be as rosy as you’d have pictured them to be. Sometimes, relationships are doomed well before or soon after they take off. In some cases, the relationship might go downhill after having spent a couple of blissful years together。但事情并不总是像你心中勾画得那样美好甜蜜。有时候,明明相处愉快的恋人有可能突然分手。有时候,融洽生活多年的夫妇也会劳燕分飞。

  Here are a few signs that point to the impending failure of your relationship。下面是有些恋爱注定失败的几大原因:

  1. One is smarter than the other一方比另一方更聪明

  The chances of the relationship failing are higher and almost guaranteed if one partner is smarter than the other. In such cases there will be little to talk about after a point and even if you’ll do communicate, there will be this nagging voice in your head who says, ‘she/he is not smart enough to understand what I’m saying’。如果一方远比另一方聪明,那么关系破裂的几率很高,几乎毋庸置疑。在这种情况下,双方几乎很难交流,即便试着沟通,也会抱怨不已:“她/他哪有什么头脑能听懂我说的话!”

  2. Immaturity不成熟

  This one catches up quicker than you can say ‘immature’! Things that you find ‘cute’ and ‘kiddishly sweet’ at one point, will soon begin to feel immature and stupid. The thing about puerile behaviour is that it wears the relationship out much soon and is responsible for taking the fizz out of the bond。另外一个致命原因便是“幼稚”。一开始看起来“可爱”或“孩子气般讨人喜欢”的优点,到后来就会觉得是幼稚和愚蠢。不成熟的言行举止更能摧毁一段关系,是恋爱失败的元凶。

  3. Jealousy嫉妒

  The relationship simply won’t last if either or both of you are jealous of one another. The green-eyed monster will wreck havoc on the relationship and be the reason behind its doom。如果一方或双方总是醋意十足,那么恋爱也不可能长久。嫉妒也会扼杀彼此关系,造成最终的破裂。

  4. You want different things心有旁骛

  This one is perhaps one of the most common reasons behind break-ups. Nothing can save the relationship if both the partners involved want different things from life. And given that the wants are not the same, it does make perfect sense to call off the relationship。有很多分手都是因为给不了对方最想要的东西。如果两个人各自都渴望别样的生活回报,那么恋爱也难以维持,还不如早些理智地拜拜。

  5. Lack of intimacy/attraction 缺乏亲密/魅力

  If sparks don’t fly in the bedroom then the relationship is sure to hit rock bottom sooner than later. Also, what’s the point of being in a relationship with someone you’re not attracted to?两个人如果朝夕相处都没有火花,那分手只怕也是迟早的事。而且跟一个自己根本就不喜欢的人谈恋爱,难道很有意思吗?

  6. Too close/too detached from the parents 太依赖/孤立父母

  Being uncomfortably close or ruthlessly detached from parents is never a good thing. If your partner falls in either of these categories, then beware. The relationship will get affected in some way due to the troubled relationship she shares with her parents。太依赖父母或与父母太生疏都不是好事。如果你的另一半恰好是这种人,劝你还是多留个心眼吧。他/她跟父母的尴尬关系必然会影响到你俩的关系。

  7. Fights争吵

  Fights are an obvious part of any/all relationships. But when the fighting gets too much, too often then there is trouble in paradise (or war zone, if you may so call it). Fighting often will cause your stress levels to go up and will certainly harm the relationship, thus signalling its end。任何恋爱都少不了争吵。但如果争吵太过频繁,说明你俩关系也亮起了红灯(或处于“战争状态”)。吵架很容易激起压力,最后搞得两败俱伤以结束感情收场。

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