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2013年11月14日19:14  新浪教育 微博   我有话说

  I’m not sure who asked the question to begin with (as though you needed a reason!), but here is the full list of 237 reasons that people said why they have sex:

  1. I was ‘‘in the heat of the moment.’’

  2. It just happened。

  3. I was bored。

  4. It just seemed like ‘‘the thing to do.’’

  5. Someone dared me。

  6. I desired emotional closeness “(i.e.,” intimacy)。

  7. I wanted to feel closer to God。

  8. I wanted to gain acceptance from my friends。

  9. It’s “exciting,” adventurous。

  10. I wanted to make up after a fight。

  11. I wanted to get rid of aggression。

  12. I was under the influence of drugs。

  13. I wanted to have something to tell my friends。

  14. I wanted to express my love for the person。

  15. I wanted to experience the physical pleasure。

  16. I wanted to show my affection to the person。

  17. I felt like I owed it to the person。

  18. I was attracted to the person。

  19. I was sexually aroused and wanted the release。

  20. My friends were having sex and I wanted to fit in。

  21. It feels good。

  22. My partner kept insisting。

  23. The person was famous and I wanted to be able to say I had sex with him/her。

  24. I was physically forced to。

  25. I was verbally coerced into it。

  26. I wanted the person to love me。

  27. I wanted to have a child。

  28. I wanted to make someone else jealous。

  29. I wanted to have more sex than my friends。

  30. I was married and you’re supposed to。

  31. I was tired of being a virgin。

  32. I was ‘‘horny.’’

  33. I wanted to feel loved。

  34. I was feeling lonely。

  35. Everyone else was having sex。

  36. I wanted the attention。

  37. It was easier to ‘‘go all the way’’ than to stop。

  38. I wanted to ensure the relationship was ‘‘committed.’’

  39. I was competing with someone else to ‘‘get the person.’’

  40. I wanted to ‘‘gain control’’ of the person。

  41. I was curious about what the person was like in bed。

  42. I was curious about sex。

  43. I wanted to feel attractive。

  44. I wanted to please my partner。

  45. I wanted to display submission。

  46. I wanted to release anxiety/stress。

  47. I didn’t know how to say ‘‘no.’’

  48. I felt like it was my duty。

  49. I wanted to end the relationship。

  50 My friends pressured me into it。

  51. I wanted the adventure/excitement。

  52. I wanted the experience。

  53. I felt obligated to。

  54. It’s fun。

  55. I wanted to get even with someone “(i.e.,” get revenge)。

  56. I wanted to be popular。

  57. It would get me gifts。

  58. I wanted to act out a fantasy。

  59. I hadn’t had sex for a while。

  60. The person was ‘‘available.’’

  61. I didn’t want to ‘‘lose’’ the person。

  62. I thought it would help ‘‘trap’’ a new partner。

  63. I wanted to make someone else jealous。

  64. I felt sorry for the person。

  65. I wanted to feel powerful。

  66. I wanted to ‘‘possess’’ the person。

  67. I wanted to release tension。

  68. I wanted to feel good about myself。

  69. I was slumming。

  70. I felt rebellious。

  71. I wanted to intensify my relationship。

  72. It seemed like the natural next step。

  73. I wanted to be nice。

  74. I wanted to feel connected to the person。

  75. I wanted to feel young。

  76. I wanted to manipulate him/her into doing something for me。

  77. I wanted him/her to stop bugging me about sex。

  78. I wanted to hurt/humiliate the person。

  79. I wanted the person to feel good about themselves。

  80. I didn’t want to disappoint the person。

  81. I was trying to ‘‘get over’’ an earlier person/relationship。

  82. I wanted to reaffirm my sexual orientation。

  83. I wanted to try out new sexual techniques or positions。

  84. I felt guilty。

  85. My hormones were out of control。

  86. It was the only way my partner would spend time with me。

  87. It became a habit。

  88. I wanted to keep my partner happy。

  89. I had no self-control。


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