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西班牙“狼孩”讲故事 蛇是小伙伴(双语)

2013年12月02日09:34  中国日报网    

  Everything was traumatic, from his first visit to the barbershop - when he thought the barber would cut his throat with his razor - to the fights he had with nuns in Madrid, who tried to make him sleep in a bed.

  This habit took him a long time to acquire.

  "Once he rented a small apartment and he showed it to me," says Janer Manila. "The bedroom had no bed or furniture, there were blankets all over the floor along with lots of wrinkled sheets of magazine and newspapers, as if there had been an animal there. When I saw that, I asked him if he wouldn't be better sleeping in a bed? And he said: 'No.'"

  What most disturbed Marcos most of all was the noise and the hustle and bustle of human communities.

  "I could not cope with so much noise… the cars… and people going back and forwards like ants. But at least ants all go in the same direction! People went everywhere! I was scared of crossing the road!" he says.

  The nuns of Madrid taught him some lessons.

  "They taught me to eat properly and they put a piece of wood in my back to help me walk straight because I was all crooked from walking in the mountains," he says. Also, he remembers, they put him in a wheelchair for a while, because he couldn't walk after they cut all the calluses on his feet.

  What followed was a journey from one job to another, and a brief stint in the military.

  People regularly took advantage of Marcos's naivety, and he ended up living in miserable conditions in Malaga, until a chance encounter with a retired police officer, who invited him to live in Rante, a small village near Orense in Spain's north-western region of Galicia.

  Now in his late 60s, Marcos bears few grudges, but he does wonder why, after forcing him to come down from the mountains, the state didn't prepare him properly for life in society.

  "When I got out of there, the first thing they should have done is send me to a school, teach me to talk and how to behave in the world," he says. "What was the point of making me first do communion and military service? So I could learn to shoot and kill people?" he asks, with a rare note of anger in his voice.

  In Rante, where Marcos has been living for about 15 years, everyone knows him and treats him with respect.

  His home is a small house, with slightly cave-like low ceilings, packed with memorabilia - photos of his moments of fame, drawings and a curious collection of cigarette lighters. The tiny patio is full of flowers and plants.

  In the corner of the room there is a piano and a guitar. Marcos learned how to play them by ear and he doesn't play badly at all.

  He tells me he had a few girlfriends in the past, but nowadays he is single. He has many friends, though, and people who love him and help him.

  He no longer works. He gets a half-pension for an injury he sustained while working on a building site - but whenever he can, he lends a hand at Rante's only bar.

  "Marcos is a very good person, a bit childish but a very nice guy. He is always here," says Maite, the owner.

  Does he ever contemplate returning to the Sierra Morena?

  "I thought about it many times. But I'm used to this life now and there are so many things that I didn't have there, like music for instance, or women. Women are one good reason to stay here," he says.

  "Now I am accustomed to it, I'll remain where I am."




























  (玉洁 编辑:王琦琛)


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