1. Denmark: Let the Dishes Hit the Floor 丹麦:摔盘子 Residents of Denmark have been known to throw dishes (don’t worry, not the good china) at their neighbor’s doors. The more broken dishes, the more good luck you are thought to have in the upcoming year! 丹麦人会在他们邻居家门口摔盘子(别担心,扔的不是好的瓷器)。盘子摔得越多,意味着你在新年里会越幸运!
2. Brazil: Wet T-Shirt Contest for All 巴西:全民湿T恤大赛 Brazilians celebrate by dressing in all white on New Year’s Eve to symbolize peace and spend their evening partying on the beach. When the clock strikes midnight, they run to the ocean and bestow various offerings upon Lemanja, the goddess of the sea, so that she may open up paths in their lives. 巴西人这么庆祝新年的:在除夕穿上寓意和平的白色衣服,在海滩边举办晚会。当午夜12点钟声敲响时时,他们就冲向大海,向海洋女神Lemanja奉献各种各样的供品,祈求她为他们的生活开辟新道路。
3. Germany: Molten Metal Fortune-Telling 德国:熔融金属算命 Bleigießen, one of Germany’s most prized customs, is celebrated on New Year’s by melting a morsel of lead, dropping it into cold water, and telling fortunes from the shape it forms. Bleigießen是德国最受欢迎的传统之一,是在新年熔化一小块铅,把它扔进冷水里,再根据它形成的形状来算命。
4. Estonia: The Strength of 7-12 Meal 爱沙尼亚: 7到12顿饭的能量 In Estonia, the people eat 7, 9 or 12 meals a day. These are lucky numbers in Estonia, and it is believed that you will gain the strength of as many meals as you eat on New Year’s. 在爱沙尼亚,人们每天吃7顿、9顿或者12顿饭。这些数字在爱沙尼亚被认为是幸运数字。而且他们认为,你在新年吃得越多,就会获得越多的能量。
5. North America: Black Eyed Peas (No, Not the Band) 北美:黑眼豆豆(不是,不是那个乐团) Inspired by southern culture, many Americans celebrate the New Year by eating black eyed peas and collard greens. The pea’s “eye” represents looking into the future, and it is believed to bring good luck to those who eat them. Eating leafy greens supposedly brings money and prosperity as well. 受南方文化影响,许多美国人通过吃黑眼豌豆和羽衣甘蓝来庆祝新年。这种豆的“眼睛”代表展望未来。人们相信,吃黑眼豆豆会带来好运。人们也认为,吃绿叶蔬菜能带来钱财和富裕。
6. France: The Midnight Harvest 法国:午夜大丰收 In the Hautes-Pyrénées village of Viella, the townspeople attend a midnight mass on New Year’s Eve, after which they set out to the vineyards to pick grapes for the first wine of the year. 在法国上比利牛斯省的维耶拉镇,村民在新年前夕参加一个午夜聚会,之后他们就出发到葡萄园里,采摘葡萄用来酿今年的第一批葡萄酒。
7. Bolivia: Hot Pants 玻利维亚:紧身短裤 Bolivia is one of many countries that rings in the New Year by wearing lucky bright (generally red) underpants. 玻利维亚是众多通过穿幸运的亮色内裤(大多是红色)来迎接新年的国家之一。
8. Mexico: Great Grapes 墨西哥:美妙葡萄 In Mexico (as well as many other Spanish-speaking countries), eating a grape and making a wish for every chime of the clock at midnight on New Year’s Day is a widely practiced custom. 在墨西哥(还有很多其他的西班牙语国家),在新年午夜钟声每次响起时吃一颗葡萄同时许一个愿望是广为流传的一项传统。
9. Hungary: Burning Man 匈牙利:燃烧的人 In Hungary, crowds gather on New Year’s Eve to burn a “Jack Straw” — a sort of scarecrow-like figure which represents all the evils of the past year. 在匈牙利,人们在新年前夕聚集,一起焚烧一个“稻草人杰克”,这个稻草人代表了过去一年里所有罪恶。
10. Venezuela: Nothing but the Bolívars, Baby 委内瑞拉:没别的就是玻利瓦尔(委内瑞拉货币名称) In Venezuela, to bring wealth in the New Year, it’s common to hold a bill of high value while toasting at midnight. 在委内瑞拉,为了在新年收获财富,人们通常在午夜敬酒时手里拿着一张价值很高的玻利瓦尔。
11. Switzerland: Just a Dollop 瑞士:一团而已 In some parts of Switzerland, it is believed that a dollop of cream propped on the floor will bring good luck and wealth. 在瑞士的某些地方,人们相信地板上堆着一团冰淇淋可以带来好运和财富。
12. China: From Head to Tail 中国:从头到尾 In China, it is common for fish to be served whole for New Year’s. It is important to eat the entire fish from head to tail to ensure a good year from start to finish. 在中国,新年吃全鱼是很普遍的传统。整条鱼从头吃到尾很重要,因为这样确保了新的一年自始至终称心如意。