Sisters Sophia, 3, and Sadie, 2, are too young to have seen any of the movies nominated for Best Picture in this year's Oscar race, but that doesn't mean they can't have a blast recreating scenes from the films。
Since 2012, the girls have been staging scenes from the Best Picture nominees on their Tumblr page, Don't Call Me Oscar. Their mother, Maggie Storino, takes the photographs and tells them how to pose。
Maggie says their annual photo series is a great way to spend time together, especially now that they're spending most days inside their Chicago home during the polar vortex。
"Each photo took about a minute to take, but we learned some things in the process," says Maggie. "Sophia is three years old, so we're talking a lot about emotions. What could be a better education than studying the best performances of the year? Now when Sophia gets frustrated, she throws her hands in the air and shouts 'Nebraska!'"
“每张照片的拍摄大概会花一分钟,但我们学到了很多,” 玛吉说道,“索菲娅现在3岁了,所以我们会聊很多情感方面的事。还有什么是比学习年度大片更好的教育呢?现在当索菲娅感到沮丧的时候,她会举起她的双手喊道“内布拉斯加!”