
2014年05月20日14:46  中国日报网     收藏本文     

  第二十五条 企业事业单位和其他生产经营者违反法律法规规定排放污染物,造成或者可能造成严重污染的,县级以上人民政府环境保护主管部门和其他负有环境保护监督管理职责的部门,可以查封、扣押造成污染物排放的设施、设备。

  Article 25. Where enterprises, public institutions and other producers and business operators discharge pollutants in violation of laws and regulations, which may cause potential severe pollution, competent environmental protection administrations of the people’s governments at or above the county level and other departments that are responsible for environmental supervision and administration may seal up and detain the facilities and equipment that discharge pollutants。

  第二十六条 国家实行环境保护目标责任制和考核评价制度。县级以上人民政府应当将环境保护目标完成情况纳入对本级人民政府负有环境保护监督管理职责的部门及其负责人和下级人民政府及其负责人的考核内容,作为对其考核评价的重要依据。考核结果应当向社会公开。

  Article 26. The State adopts environmental protection target accountability and performance evaluation system. People's governments at or above the county level shall incorporate the fulfillment of environmental protection target as an appraisal criteria into the performance evaluation system for the departments with environmental supervision responsibilities at the same level government and their responsible persons, as well as performance evaluation for the lower level governments and their responsible persons. The evaluation results shall be made public。

  第二十七条 县级以上人民政府应当每年向本级人民代表大会或者人民代表大会常务委员会报告环境状况和环境保护目标完成情况,对发生的重大环境事件应当及时向本级人民代表大会常务委员会报告,依法接受监督。

  Article 27. The people's governments at or above the county level shall report, on an annual basis, the environmental conditions and the completion of environmental protection targets to the people's congress at the same level or its standing committee. They shall also promptly make reports to the standing committee of the people’s congress at the same level on major environmental incidents, and receive supervision in accordance with the law。

  第三章 保护和改善环境

  Chapter III Protection and Improvement of the Environment

  第二十八条 地方各级人民政府应当根据环境保护目标和治理任务,采取有效措施,改善环境质量。

  Article 28. Local people's governments at various levels shall take effective measures to improve environmental quality according to environmental protection goals and governance tasks。


  Local people's governments of key regions and river basins that fail to meet national environmental quality standards shall formulate plans to reach relevant standards within a prescribed time period, and take measures to achieve the compliance target on time。

  第二十九条 国家在重点生态功能区、生态环境敏感区和脆弱区等区域划定生态保护红线,实行严格保护。

  Article 29. The State defines ecological redline for strict protection on key ecological functional zones, areas of sensitive and fragile ecological environment。


  The people's governments at various levels shall take measures to protect regions representing various types of natural ecological systems, regions with a natural distribution of rare and endangered wild animals and plants, regions where major sources of water are conserved, geological structures of major scientific and cultural value, famous regions where karst caves and fossil deposits are distributed, traces of glaciers, volcanoes and hot springs, traces of human history, and ancient and precious trees. Damage to the above shall be strictly forbidden。

  第三十条 开发利用自然资源,应当合理开发,保护生物多样性,保障生态安全,依法制定有关生态保护和恢复治理方案并予以实施。

  Article 30. Exploitation and utilization of natural resources shall be developed in a rational way that conserves biological diversity and safeguards ecological security. Ecological protection and restoration programs shall be developed in accordance with laws and be implemented。


  For introduction of exotic species as well as the research, development and utilization of biotechnology, effective measures shall be taken to prevent destruction of biodiversity。

  第三十一条 国家建立、健全生态保护补偿制度。

  Article 31. The State shall establish and improve ecological protection compensation mechanism。


  The State will increase fiscal transfer to areas of ecological protection. Relevant local people’s governments shall secure compensation funds for ecological protection, and ensure its use on ecological compensation。


  The State provides guidance to the local people’s governments of beneficiary areas and ecological protected areas on ecological compensation through consultation or market rules。

  第三十二条 国家加强对大气、水、土壤等的保护,建立和完善相应的调查、监测、评估和修复制度。

  Article 32. The State shall strengthen the protection of atmosphere, water and soil, establish and improve the corresponding investigation monitoring, assessment and remediation systems。

  第三十三条 各级人民政府应当加强对农业环境的保护,促进农业环境保护新技术的使用,加强对农业污染源的监测预警,统筹有关部门采取措施,防治土壤污染和土地沙化、盐渍化、贫瘠化、石漠化、地面沉降以及防治植被破坏、水土流失、水体富营养化、水源枯竭、种源灭绝等生态失调现象,推广植物病虫害的综合防治。

  Article 33. The people's governments at various levels shall enhance the protection of the agricultural environment, promote the application of new technologies for agricultural environmental protection, strengthen the monitoring and early warning system for agricultural pollution sources, and coordinate relevant departments to take measures to prevent the occurrence and deterioration of soil pollution, desertification, salinization, impoverishment, rocky desertification, and ground subsidence, prevent and control vegetation damage, soil erosion, water eutrophication, water depletion, provenance extinction and other ecological imbalances, and promote integrated plant pest management。


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