
2014年05月20日14:46  中国日报网     收藏本文     


  It is prohibited to apply solid waste and wastewater that do not conform to standards on agricultural use and environmental protection to farmland. When conducting pesticides, chemical fertilizers and other cultivating additions or irrigating, measures shall be taken to prevent pollution from heavy metals and other toxic and hazardous substances。


  The site selection, construction and management of livestock and poultry farms, breeding zones, designated slaughtering enterprises shall be in compliance with laws and regulations. Entities and individuals engaged in livestock poultry breeding and slaughtering shall take effective measures to dispose of manure and carcasses of livestock, sewage and other wastes in a scientific manner to prevent environmental pollution。


  The people's governments at the county level shall be responsible for organizing the disposal of rural household waste。

  第五十条 各级人民政府应当在财政预算中安排资金,支持农村饮用水水源地保护、生活污水和其他废弃物处理、畜禽养殖和屠宰污染防治、土壤污染防治和农村工矿污染治理等环境保护工作。

  Article 50. The people's governments at various levels shall allocate funds in their fiscal budgets to support protection of rural drinking water sources, treatment of domestic sewage and other waste, pollution prevention and control for livestock and poultry breeding and slaughtering, prevention and control of soil pollution, management of rural industrial and mining pollution and other environmental protection work。

  第五十一条 各级人民政府应当统筹城乡建设污水处理设施及配套管网,固体废物的收集、运输和处置等环境卫生设施,危险废物集中处置设施、场所以及其他环境保护公共设施,并保障其正常运行。

  Article 51. The people's governments at various levels shall, in a coordinated manner, plan for treatment facilities and supporting pipeline networks for urban and rural construction sewage, environmental and sanitary facilities such as those for the collection, transportation and disposal of solid waste, centralized facilities and sites for hazardous waste disposal, as well as other public facilities for environmental protection, and ensure the normal operations thereof。

  第五十二条 国家鼓励投保环境污染责任保险。

  Article 52 The State encourages participation in environment pollution liability insurance。

  第五章 信息公开和公众参与

  Chapter V Information Disclosure and Public Participation

  第五十三条 公民、法人和其他组织依法享有获取环境信息、参与和监督环境保护的权利。

  Article 53. Citizens, legal persons and other organizations shall have the right to obtain environmental information, participate and supervise the activities of environment protection in accordance with the law。


  The competent environmental protection administrations of the people ’s governments at various levels and other departments with environmental supervision responsibilities shall disclose environmental information pursuant to the law, improve public participation procedures, and facilitate citizens, legal persons and other organizations to participate in, and supervise, environmental protection work。

  第五十四条 国务院环境保护主管部门统一发布国家环境质量、重点污染源监测信息及其他重大环境信息。省级以上人民政府环境保护主管部门定期发布环境状况公报。

  Article 54. The competent department of environmental protection administration under the State Council shall release national environmental quality, monitoring data of key pollutant sources and other major environmental information. Competent environmental departments of governments at or above provincial levels shall regularly publish environmental status bulletins。


  The competent environmental protection administrative departments of the people’s governments at or above the county level and other departments with environmental supervision responsibilities shall disclose information on environmental quality, environmental monitoring, environmental emergencies, environmental administrative permits, environmental administrative punishments, the collection and use of pollutant discharge fees, etc. in accordance with the law。


  The competent environmental protection administrative departments of the people’s governments at or above the county level and other departments with environmental supervision responsibilities shall incorporate environmental violation behaviors of enterprises, public institutions and other producers and business operators into social credit archives system and promptly disclose the list of lawbreakers to the public。

  第五十五条 重点排污单位应当如实向社会公开其主要污染物的名称、排放方式、排放浓度和总量、超标排放情况,以及防治污染设施的建设和运行情况,接受社会监督。

  Article 55. Key pollutant-discharging units shall truthfully disclose the names of their major pollutants, the ways of emission, the emission concentration and total volume, the standard- exceeding emission status, as well as the construction and operation of pollution prevention and control facilities, so as to be subject to social supervision。

  第五十六条 对依法应当编制环境影响报告书的建设项目,建设单位应当在编制时向可能受影响的公众说明情况,充分征求意见。

  Article 56. The project owner of a construction project for which an environmental impact report should be prepared pursuant to the law shall explain relevant situations to the potentially-affected public when preparing the environmental impact report, and solicit public opinions。


  The competent department that is responsible for the examination and approval of environmental impact assessment documents for the construction project shall make public the full text of environmental impact reports of the construction project upon receipt thereof with exception of commercial secrets and confidential circumstances as specified by the State.In the case of a construction project failing to solicit sufficient public comments, they shall request the project to fulfill the task。


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