Even as employers remain cautious next year about every dollar spent on employees, they'll also want workers to show greater skills and results。
For employees who want to get ahead, basic competency won't be enough。
To win a promotion or land a job next year, experts say there are four must-have job skills:
1. Clear communications 1. 清晰沟通
Whatever their level, communication is key for workers to advance。
'This is really the ability to clearly articulate your point of view and the ability to create a connection through communication,' says Holly Paul, U.S. recruiting leader at PricewaterhouseCoopers, the accounting and consulting firm based in New York。
总部位于纽约的会计咨询公司普华永道(PricewaterhouseCoopers)的美国招聘负责人霍利•保罗(Holly Paul)说:“这实际上就是清晰表达你的观点的能力和通过沟通建立关系的能力。”
For job seekers in particular, clear communication can provide a snapshot of their work style to employers. 'I can walk away from a five-minute conversation and feel their enthusiasm and have a good understanding of what's important to them,' Ms. Paul says。
As office conversations increasingly move online, some workers are losing or never developing the ability to give a presentation, for example. Others may be unable to write coherently for longer than, say, 140 characters. 例如,随着职场沟通越来越多地转移到网上,有些员工丧失了或根本没有培养出做报告的能力。还有人不能写出超过──比如说,140字──的流畅文字。
'Technology in some ways has taken away our ability to write well. People are in such a hurry that they are multitasking,' and they skip basics such as spelling and proofing, says Paul McDonald, senior executive director of Robert Half International, RHI +1.61%a Menlo Park, Calif., staffing firm。
加利福尼亚门洛帕克(Menlo Park)的人力咨询公司Robert Half Internationa的高级执行总监保罗•麦克唐纳(Paul McDonald)说:“在某些方面,科技削弱了我们流畅写作的能力。有些人是如此匆忙,总是要同时执行多项任务”,而且他们跳过了拼写检查和校对等基本步骤。
2. Personal branding 2. 建立个人品牌
Human-resources executives scour blogs, Twitter and professional networking sites such as LinkedIn when researching candidates, and it's important that they like what they find。
'That's your brand, that's how you represent yourself,' says Peter Handal, CEO of Dale Carnegie Training, a Hauppauge, N.Y., provider of workplace-training services. 'If you post something that comes back to haunt you, people will see that.'
纽约哈帕克(Hauppauge)的职场培训服务机构Dale Carnegie Training的首席执行长彼得•汉达尔(Peter Handal)说:“这是你的品牌,这是你展示自己的方式。如果你发布了一些会令你自己困窘的信息,别人会看得到的。”
Workers also should make sure their personal brand is attractive and reflects well on employers. 'More and more employers are looking for employees to tweet on their behalf, to blog on their behalf, to build an audience and write compelling, snappy posts,' says Meredith Haberfeld, an executive and career coach in New York。
员工也应该确保他们的个人品牌有吸引力并且给雇主留下良好印象。纽约的高管兼职业生涯教练梅雷迪思•哈伯菲尔德(Meredith Haberfeld)说:“越来越多的企业开始寻找员工代表他们发推文、写博客,以建立读者群,撰写吸引眼球、时髦有趣的帖子。”
Ms. Haberfeld has a client whose employee recently posted on her personal Facebook FB -2.72%page about eating Chinese food and smoking 'reefer.'
'I saw it on Facebook. Her supervisors saw it,' Ms. Haberfeld says。
3. Flexibility 3. 灵活性
The ability to quickly respond to an employer's changing needs will be important next year as organizations try to respond nimbly to customers。
'A lot of companies want us to work with their employees about how to get out of their comfort zone, how to adapt,' says Mr. Handal. 'Somebody's job today may not be the same as next year.'
The ability to learn new skills is of top importance, says George Boue, human-resources vice president for Stiles, a real-estate services company in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. 'We want to know that if we roll out a new program or new tools that the folks we have on board are going to be open to learning,' he says。
佛罗里达州劳德代尔堡(Fort Lauderdale)房地产服务公司Stiles的人力资源副总裁乔治•布韦(George Boue)说,掌握新技能的能力是最重要的。他说:“我们希望知道,如果我们推出一个新项目或一些新工具,现有的员工是否愿意学习它。”
4. Productivity improvement 4. 提高工作效率
In 2013, workers should find new ways to increase productivity, experts say. Executives are looking for a 20% improvement in employee performance next year from current levels, according to a recent survey by the Corporate Executive Board, an Arlington, Va., business research and advisory firm。
专家称,2013年,员工应找到新方法来提高工作效率。根据弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿(Arlington)职场研究与咨询公司Corporate Executive Board最近进行的一项调查,公司管理层希望明年的员工业绩比当前水平提高20%。
'When you are at your job, do you volunteer for projects? Are you looking for creative ways to help your organization,' Mr. McDonald says. 'The way to really differentiate yourself is to be proactive.'
Companies that are considering adding workers in coming years want current employees to operate in growth mode now. 'My clients are looking for employees that have a great ability to understand what is wanted and needed, rather than needing to be told,' Ms. Haberfeld says。
Even hiring managers need to work on certain skills as organizations consider expanding next year. 'The ability to spot talent and hire people has fallen out of use over the last several years,' says Ben Dattner, an organizational psychologist in New York. 'As the economy turns around, companies will have to work harder to retain talented employees. Companies have trimmed the fat, and now they have to build the muscle.'
在考虑明年要扩张的企业中,招聘经理们自身也需要强化某些技能。纽约的组织心理学家本•达特纳(Ben Dattner)说:“在过去这几年中,识别人才、雇用人才的能力没有了用武之地。随着经济的好转,公司不得不努力保有有才华的员工。公司已经减掉了脂肪,现在它们必须锻炼肌肉了。”
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