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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/12/23 18:24  北文学校

  A Letter to the University President about the Boarding Service on Campus


  A Letter to the University about the Boarding Service on Campus

  14th Jan., 2003

  Dear Mr. President,

  I’m Wang Qiang, a freshman at our school. Ive been studying here for a whole semester. Im very satisfied with the oncampus boarding service provided by the school. It aids students a lot in leading the oncampus life.

  The Housing Service Office offers us a highquality life. We have a clean living environment, enjoying high health and hygiene standards. In addition, we are provided with a secure accommodation. Twentyfour hours a day, seven days a week, the security guards take turns to prevent theft, fire and deal with problems of great urgency. At the same time, the emergency calls are so easily available that we can get police support as quickly as possible. The facilities I enjoy the most is related to network. Through the universitydistributed computing services, I can surf for information for my assignments, download academic files, play online games and keep in touch with friends across campuses or across the world. The network service and telecommunication service make my life convenient and comfortable.

  Dear President, here I want to say thanks to you. I want to tell you the strong infrastructure of boarding service and low cost ensure our commitment to our study at this institution of higher learning.

  Yours sincerely,

  Wang Qiang

  Should University Tuition be cancelled in China?

  Tuition system has become one of the hottest topics in China since it was put into effect. Different people have different opinions on it. Some people think that there is no university in the world which is open to students without tuition. As far as China is concerned, it is a developing country with the largest population in the world. The government is unable to allocate enough funds to pay for various teaching facilities and many different kinds of expenses.

  One of the ways to solve the problem is for students to pay tuition. The money raised in this way can be used to improve the conditions for running schools. Others, however, are opposed to the tuition system. They argue that the living standard of the Chinese people, especially of those in the poor rural areas, is still low, compared with that in the Western World. The university tuition will certainly add to the already heavy burden of the parents.

  Moreover, tuition may become an obstacle to the development of China’s higher education. This is because it hinders some talented people from entering the university just on account of their poverty.

  Stress in Modern Life

  The modern life always rushes. You have to keep up with its fast pace. It brings stress to people enclosed by this way of life no matter they like it or not.

  Some people like this kind of stress. They say stress can keep them active and alert. Their time is graduated by minute or even second. When the rare occasion does come that there are nothing for them to do, they will feel at a loss. This state of senselessness lasts until they have found a new mission to fulfill.

  Other people hate stress of modern life. They keep complaining about the fast pace of the life around them, which they cannot chase up. They prefer wandering in a park or chatting at a caféto working as an ant. They love to sit in the sunshine and bathe in the breeze. They feel any more stress would have driven them mad.

  These are two extremes. Most people seem to stay between them. To us, necessary stress can keep us attentive to our work while too much stress will crush us.

  Choosing a Famous University or a Favorite Major?




  Many students are puzzled by the dilemma, “Should we choose a famous university or should we choose a favorite major?"

  Some can choose their favorite majors in a famous university. They are lucky birds. However, for the most students, they have to find their favorite majors in unfamous universities. It is true that if you do not like your major, your school days will seem painful to you. But since most people favor majors with a fat-salaried future, they often choose the most popular ones of the time. But these kinds of majors are really few. So, it is no wonder to find graduates of a certain major from different universities waiting in long queues for a few working posts on the job market.

  On the other hand, there is a healthier atmosphere at the famous universities. You can meet famous teachers in your department. And you will have the chance to talk with reputed experts in your class. Besides, students of famous universities are usually more active and energetic. When you graduate, you will be welcomer than graduates from common universities.

  In a word, at a famous university, you can lead a more meaningful life in the four years of study, and you can enjoy a better chance to get a good job when you graduated.

  On University Tuition System in China

  Before the reform of the high education reform, the tuition system was rather simple. Students did not need to pay for their tuition at all. But the good day has ended with the enforcement of high education reform. As a result, the university tuition system has become more and more complicated.

  Nowadays, most students have to study at their parents’ expense. Since there are very few chances for them to work outside of campus, students nearly have no other income. The sum of tuition amounts to a large portion of an urban family not to mention families in the rural areas.

  If a student is from a rather poor family, his or her tuition sometimes can be reduced or exempted. But for students from a family lower than the mean level but higher than the lowest level, they often face a hard life at university. On the one hand, they cannot enjoy the privilege of tuition exemption; on the other hand, the tuition burden is much heavier than they can undertake. Many of them have to find a parttime job outside. But the chances are slim. Even they do have one the pay is piteous. They are the most difficulty group on campus.

  Should Internet Cafes Be Closed?




  Should Internet Cafes Be Closed?

  After a terrible fire in one of the Internet cafes in Beijing, the municipal government ordered to shut down all the commercial Internet clubs in the city. The measure aroused intense arguments. Many people wondered, “Should internet cafes be closed?".

  People supporting the measure insist that the Internet cafes are not safe. The fire months ago seemed to testify this point. But with appropriate instruction and timely inspections, this situation can be changed. Besides, it is the Business Association officials’ fault to grant licenses to such cafes as have no necessary fire protection facilities.

  These people also believe there are many unhealthy contents on the Internet that will pollute the youth. Since there are many net policemen in China who are in charge of deleting these improper items, it seems they have not done a good job with their high salaries.

  In my opinion, we are living in an age of information. There are millions of pieces of information transmitting on the line every second. Separated from this valuable knowledge, we certainly will be deaf and blind. Since not all of us have a PC waiting for us at home, the Internet cafes seem to be the right places for many of us to take in this spiritual nourishment.

  Should Education Be Commercialized?




  Should Education Be Commercialized?

  With the fast development of economy, there is the tendency that education becomes commercialized. People begin to associate education with money and believe that education can bring profit.

  Different people hold different attitudes towards this phenomenon. Some people think that education should be commercialized because in market economy everything should be connected with money, otherwise, it can’t catch the development of society and it will lag behind. On the contrary, some people are against the opinion. They think that the function of education is just to educate young people, help them gain knowledge and help them grow in the right way. If education becomes materialized, it might be misleading.

  In my opinion, education should keep its original principle, that is, to educate people. Only by developing education in the right way, can the society develop.

  Education for All




  In China, a new policy has recently been made that the limit to those who plan to take National Entrance Examination is reduced. People of all ages and even married people can take the examination.

  The new policy has many advantages. Firstly, it provides people more chances to receive high education, for there are some people who have once lost the chance to enter college or university for one reason or another. Secondly, it encourages more people to learn and to struggle, which is good for the whole society. Finally, it stimulates competition and makes the candidates work harder.

  However, every thing has two sides. The policy also has some problems. For example, if married people take the examination and are enrolled in university, they will face a lot of trouble and have difficulty concentrating on their study, because they might have children to take care of and have family to support. Therefore, the policy needs to be adjusted.

  Green Consumption




  Green Consumption

  The conception of green consumption has gradually become popular in China. More and more green foods make their appearance on the market and more and more people are becoming conscious of environmental protection. However, still there exist quite a few difficulties in the further promotion of this green consumption.

  There may be several ways to solve these problems. For instance, the government may put more emphasis on this and sponsor some program to encourage both the public and business organizations. Also schools may educate their students to help with this popularization of green consumption. Besides, the high cost for green consumption also has contributed to the deferred popularization of green consumption. So some efforts may be made in this regard.

  To sum up, the popularization of green consumption is a matter both concerned with the public in general and each individual. As long as both the community and each individual strive for it, green consumption will not be only a dream.


  1.上图为中国某城市自1982年至2002年的汽油 (Gasoline) 消耗量变化情况表(纵坐标代表汽油消耗量,单位:liter;横坐标代表年份)。



  Energy Crisis & Sustainable Development

  The chart above shows the rising consumption of Gasoline in China from thousands of liter in 1980 to approximately 1,800,000 in 2002. It is obvious that in 1980s Gasoline consumed in China remained minimal and did not change much, while throughout 1990s it dramatically climbed to an unbelievably high level.

  The primary reason for the increasing demand for gasoline could be attributed to the fast economic development in China, and the growing number of cars may be one marked indicator.

  However, in contrast with the increasing demand for energy there is a shrinking reserve of gasoline as well as other energies available in China and the world. Thus in order to reconcile energy crisis with sustainable development the following two ways are recommended. First, the government should accelerate the use of economically sound renewable energy, like solar energy, wind energy, etc. Second, less energy-consuming products should be developed for the public so as to save energy as much as possible.

  Protection of Relics




  Protection of Relics

  Though economic development has brought so much convenience to us and made earth a better place to live, we can not deny that modernization has crashed over some relics.

  With many publicized sad stories about the damaged relics, now attention has been brought to protect those relics, for as our ancestors mark on the earth those relics are of significant value.They represent the development of human beings civilizaion and thus should be preserved. Otherwise, years later our descendants will have no idea of what their forefathers were like and how they lived.

  In order to fully protect our relics, first the government should play a major role, e.g. enacting appropriate laws and regulations and financing the saving of some relics. Second, as individual persons we should arouse our consciousness towards preserving our forefathers assets and try out best to protect them.

  Long-distance Education




  Long-distance Education

  With the popularization of computer and information technology, distance education, though a new comer, has developed at a rather surprising speed in China and proved to be an effective way of learning.

  Thanks to distance learning, many people in the poor areas could enjoy equal opportunities as their counterparts in the richer areas. What is more, students in China are able to have access to those of the students abroad.

  In spite of its enormous achievements, compared to that in rich countries distance learning in China is still far from perfect and thus should be improved in the following two aspects. First, the needed facilities like computers, information network for distance learning are still lacking in some areas and should be installed. Second, more knowledge and courses should be available through distance education so as to meet variety of learners’ needs.

  The Problem of Workplace Safety




  In recent years, accidents in work place have been frequently publicized and thus brought peoples attention to the reasons behind and how to eliminate those tragedies.

  It is found out that mainly there are two attributing factors. First, some businesses pay none or little attention to creating a safe working environment for employees. Second, workers lack of training and unawareness to safety yet put them in a more dangerous position.

  Thus, in order to prevent the tragic accidents happening again, the following three steps are highly recommended. First, the government should formulate strict regulations and standards as to workplace conditions. Second, the businesses should commit to meet the required standards and thus provide safe workplace. Finally, workers should get the training of dealing with dangerous machines and closely stick to safety rules.

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