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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/12/23 18:24  北文学校

  Model Test One

  Family Education

  1. 现今父母非常重视家庭教育

  2. 家庭教育的优、劣势

  3. 你的看法

  Part Ⅴ Writing



  Family Education

  Parents in China are paying more attention to the training of their single-child than ever before. Now, many children in city have family tutors and more and more children have to learn a lot before they go to school. This is mainly because parents want their children to become somebody or to live better when they grow up. In addition, single-child families have more money and energy than before to afford family training.

  Family education has either advantages or disadvantages. The main advantage is that children can learn much and can develop themselves as early as possible, which are more helpful to leading them to success or make them superior to other children. The disadvantage lies in two. One is that too much family education may cause the children to lose their own ability of living and studying. The other is that children will have less time to play or to do their own favorite things. This may be harmful to the shape of children's charters.

  In my opinion family education should have a proper degree. Either too much or too little family education will do great harm to children or even lead to opposite result. To find children’s talent or interest, then to cultivate them in those fields would be better than to force children to learn things parents consider important to their future.

  Model Test Three

  Topic: The Advantages and Disadvantages of Dormitory Life



  3 得出结论

  Part Ⅴ Writing


  The Advantages and Disadvantages of Dormitory Life

  For a college student, the advantages of having roommates always outweigh the disadvantages. Those who object to having roommates claim that several people living together gives rise to some unpleasantness because every person has his own way. They also argue that, while living together, there is usually a lack of privacy. Although at first glance these arguments sound reasonable and appealing, they are not borne out by a careful consideration. When you and your roommates are at odds, it is the best time for you to learn how to adjust the relationships between yourself and the others. Solving trivial problems in the dorm will, in the long run, enrich your social experience and help you to understand other people's feelings and learn to be considerate. The incomparable advantage is that it offers an excellent chance of cooperation and adequate colorful group activities. Planning a party single-handedly may be a dull and difficult job; your roommates' help, however, renders it enjoyable and easy. You can make a plan together; you may even start a musical band. All of these are invaluable throughout your life.

  So as I see it, rooming together, as a precious opportunity for students living in dormitory, is the best way of learning cooperation and of understanding other people and the society in general.

  Model Test Four





  Dear Mr.Li,

  How are you!I am writing to you from Tianjin.How are you getting on with your work?I am sure you are very busy. Please take good care of yourself.

  I've been here for about two and a half months.However,I still can't adapt myself to the college's circumstances.Life at college is quite different from that in high school.

  At college,we have fewer lessons and more free time.Most of the students spend their time studying by themselves in the library or somewhere else,but some students don't know how to arrange their time;they often idle away their valuable time.

  We,six girl students,from different parts of our country,share one dormitory.So when we speak to each other,our different local accents always make us laugh. We live and study together,and it's a very special experience for me.

  Most interesting of all,we have no fixed classrooms as we did in high school.After class,we have to look for a classroom to study in.I think the most important thing at college is that we should make full use of time and learn as much knowledge as possible.I believe I can make great progress at college.

  Yours sincerely

  Wang Ying

  Model Test Five

  Environmental Protections





  Part Ⅴ Writing


  Environmental Protection

  Too often, the development of economy has resulted in serious environmental pollution. Much of our air and water has been polluted by industrial waste and accidents. Oil spills destroy marine life and our beaches. Power plants burning coal and gas produce pollution along with electricity. Sulfur emissions from mines and factory chimneys may result in acidic rain, which kill many life forms in pond and lake waters.

  Now we have made many efforts to protect our environment. Laws have been established for environmental protection. Massive programs are launched to clear up rivers and lakes. Sewage plants have been built or improved, and tight controls are placed on industrial emissions. Consequently, we now have a cleaner and more sanitary environment.

  We should note, however, that environmental protection will remain a great task for us over a long time to come. Since almost all environmental problems result from human economic development, and any economic activity may account for some possible pollution, it is unlikely to solve the problems once and for all. So, while we are developing our economy, we should take into account those factors that may cause possible ecological harm, and launch long-term programs to cope with them. Compared to what used to be, we have achieved much in this aspect; compared to what might be, we still have as much to do in the future.

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