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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/12/23 19:20  北文学校

  Model Test One

  Part Ⅴ Writing (30 minutes)

  Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled To Become a Graduate or an Employee?Your part of writing should be no
less than 120 words. Your composition should be based on the outline given below.

  1.Arguments for applying for a graduate program.

  2.Arguments for getting a job after graduation.

  3.Your personal choice.

  Sample Writing

  To Become a Graduate or an Employee

  Which one is a better choice, to become a graduate or an employee?

  As the day of graduation draws near, some students believe that choosing to enroll in postgraduate programs is a wise choice. For them, a master's degree or even a doctoral degree represents a much more prestigious standard of scholarship than a bachelor's degree. Consequently, making money is less satisfying than making academic achievements.

  For others who are eager to become economically independent and to put into practice what they have learned in colleges. taking a job soon is both satisfying and rewarding. They try to be away from being embarrassed by asking for money fromtheir parents. Getting established in the quickly way is their goal. In addition, they hold the opinion that the sooner they take a place in the increasingly competitive world, the longer they can stay on the post. Accordingly, they chooseto be engaged in a practical job after graduation to accumulate valuable working experiences which they think can never be obtained in the Ivory Tower.

  As far as I am concerned, getting an advanced degree is what I have been dreaming of. This is based on my belief that I should do more research and absorb more knowledge when I am still young.

  Model Test Two

  Pant Ⅴ Writing

  Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic How to Choose Good Books?Your composition should be no less than 120 words.

  Sample Writing

  How to Choose Good Books

  There are thousands and thousands of books:good books and bad books, cheap books and expensive books. Before one can acquire anything from books, one must learn how to choose books. In choosing good books, one should take the following steps.

  Before we buy a book of any kind, we must first see whether or not the content s good and useful. This is most important because there are numbers of books and novels on the market which are poorly written and full of trash. If the book is bad, we must not buy it. Books have a great power that influences one’s mind and thought. If we read bad books, our mind will be full of gloom and hopelessness. Next, we should look at the price. We are students; it is very true that most of us do not have much money to spend. To buy costly books is not an easy thing. Moreover, many good books are not expensive.

  At last, we should examine whether the book is well printed and contains good illustrations. We do not like to read a book, good or bad, if it is not properly printed. We do not find much interest likewise if its illustrations are bad.

  Model Test Five

  Part Ⅴ Writing (30 minutes)

  Directions:In this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: How to Read a Textbook.Your composition should be no less than 120 words and you should write it according to the following outline:

  1.State briefly how you read a textbook;

  2.Tell the reader in detail how you usually read a textbook;

  3.Say briefly what you think of your reading method.

  Sample Writing

  How to Read a Textbook

  To me,the best way to read a textbook is to read it by following the three steps:

  Before I read a textbook,I usually look through the headings or titles to get the main ideas.Then I read each chapter slowly and carefully to see what is really going on.To avoid confusions and misunderstandings,I often take notes. But I do not leave marks to make my textbook colourful because when I do,the next time I open the book I feel

  I know everything in it,even if I do not know it at all. Lastly, I finish reading a textbook like this,I usually go through the whole thing once again very quickly and focus on the most important part.

  I do not know whether this method will work for others,but it certainly works for me.

  Model Test Seven

  Part Ⅴ Writing (30 minutes)

  Directions:In this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic:Working Women in China. Your composition should be no less than 120 words and you should write it according to the following outline:

  1. State the fact that many Chinese women are working outside their homes;

  2. Describe the jobs these women are doing;

  3. Say what the above facts mean to Chinese men and to the Chinese government.

  Sample Writing

  Working Women in China

  Many Chinese women are earning money outside their homes today. The way of earning money varies from person to person.Those with more education work for schools,hospitals and government offices.Those with less education find their jobs in shops,factories and transportation systems.And those with no education at all try to earn money in their own ways:sewing for others,driving taxis,serving in restaurants,selling clothes,fruit or vegetable along the streets,raising poultry,just to mention a few.

  These facts show clearly that Chinese women are no longer satisfied with their housebound duties. They have roles to play outside their homes. This should be taken as a timely lesson for Chinese men and the Chinese government,women are working and they are working for money and more.

  Model Test Eight

  Part Ⅴ Writing (30 minutes)

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minute s to write a letter to apply for the admission to an American university for further study. Your composition should be at least no less than 120 words.

  Sample Writing 

  A Letter for Application

  September 20,2000

  Dear sir,

  I am an undergraduate student at Southeast University, Nanjing, China. I wish to

  go to the United States for advanced studies in my majorcomputer science. By next summer, I shall have graduated. Therefore, I am now beginning to gather information about American universities with reference to the possibility of a scholarship.

  I understand most American universities offer various kinds of scholarships, but

  I am not sure which one I should apply to. For reasons you understand I hope to apply to one in a locality where living expenses are comparatively low. That is why I make bold to write to you, requesting your kindness in supplying me as much information as lies within your knowledge. I hope you will kindly do what you can and give me a reply at your earliest convenience.

  Yours faithfully

  Wang Lin

  Model Test Ten

  Part Ⅴ Writing (30 minutes)\=

  Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic of Should Private Cars Be Encouraged in China?.Your part of writing should be no less than 120 words.

  Sample Writing

  Should Private Cars Be Encouraged in China?

  A heated debate on private cars is underway in China. Car sellers energetically

  urge people to buy cars, whereas most Chinese, especially people in urban areas, oppose such an idea, saying that time is not right for each family to own a car.

  There are many reasons to encourage people to own cars. First, a car allows a person to travel long distances freely, safely and comfortably in all weathers. Second, if each family buys one car, millions of cars will be needed. As a result, auto industry, as well as its many related industries, will have a booming business, which will in turn accelerate the development of our economy. Furthermore, China can improve cars. Finally, the tax paid by car drivers will accelerate the construction of our highway network.

  There are, on the other hand, many reasons against it. Cars will use too much of our limited petroleum resources, and cause many problems, such as air pollution, car accidents and traffic jams. So we will have to weigh every factor carefully before we make decisions about private cars.

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