
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年12月27日 18:18   英语教师网


  45.We saw a film yesterday afternoon , _____we had supper in a nearby restaurant.

  A.when   B.which   C.before it   D.after which

  [仿NMET I-23/III-28/湖北卷--25]

  46.There comes a time in every man's life_____. [仿04湖北卷--23]

  A.that he needs to think     B.when he has to think

  C.therefore he has to work hard   D.then he will need it

  47.Although he knew little about the large amount of work done in the field, he succeeded_____ other more well-informed experiments failed.

  A.which   B.that   C.what   D.where [仿04湖南卷--23]

  48.On the third floor there are two rooms, _____ is used as a meeting-room.

  A.one of them       B.the larger of which

  C.and a larger of of them D.the largest one of which


  49.--- Are you familiar with the music ?

  --- Yes. There was a time _____ this kind of music was quite popular. [仿04湖北卷--23]

  A.when     B.that     C.with which     D.about which

  50.He has got himself into a dangerous situation ____ he is likely to lose control over the plane.

  A.where    B.which    C.while     D.why [仿04湖南卷--23]

  52._____ was known to all , Willian had broken his promise ______ he would give us a rise.

  A.As; which   B.As; that   C.It; that   D.It ; which

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