
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年12月27日 18:18   英语教师网


  75.Can you imagine that a smart man like him_____ make such a stupid mistake?

  A.might     B.should     C.would     D.need

  [仿NMET-I-29 / 湖北卷-26 / 湖南卷-28 / 江苏卷-22 / 浙江卷-26 / 辽宁卷--29]

  76.--- Who told you my address ? [仿NMET(I)-29]

  --- I don't remember clearly. It _____ Li Mei.

  ---It _____ Li Mei. She doesn't know it.

  A.can be; mustn't be       B.may have been;must have been

  C.may have been; can't be   D.must have been ; can't have been

  77.---This _____ John's house .It's number 101. [仿NMET(II)-29]

  --- I don't think so.He said a large white house but this is a small yellow one.

  A.can't be    B.must be    C.may not be    D.should be

  78.As is natural , a man as old as he ______ be very forgetful. [仿2003NMET--28]

  A.can     B.should     C.would     D.must

  79.---Did you visit the famous museum ?

  ---No. We ______ it. But we spent too much time shopping. [仿2004福建卷--32]

  A.can't have visited      B.could have visited

  C.must have visited     D.shouldn't have visited

  80.---How exciting ! I drove my new car at a speed of 110km/h on Sunday morning. [仿2004福建卷--32]

  ---Were you crazy ? You ______ yourself !

  A.muxt have killed       B.would have killed

  C.should have killed      D.could have killed

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