
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年12月27日 18:18   英语教师网


  97.---Hi, Brown! Are you going to have an outing? [仿2004天津卷--21]


  A.I can't say            B.Yes, I will do

  C.It's fun to do so         D.That all depends

  98.---Cliff, I lost your ball at school. I suppose I should pay for it.

  --- Oh. _____. It was just as old ball anyway.

  A.Take it easy   B.By no means   C.You got it   D.Forget it .

  99.---It must have been a wonderful evening, but you see, I'm terribly sorry I'm late again.

  ---Well, _____, but please come a bit earlier for the next party. [仿2002北京卷35]

  A.My pleasure   B.I'm glad to hear that   C.No, thanks   D.It's OK

  100.It is believed that if the reader takes _____ in a book, no doubt it is an_______ book which everybody is bound to be_______ in. {仿2003上海--30}

  A.interested;interest;interesting  B.interest;interesting;interested

  C.interested;interesting;interested D.interest;interested;interested


  1-5:CCBAB 6-10:BCDBC 11-15:DDABC 16-20:DCADB 21-25:ACDDA 26-30:DCCAA 31-35:DDBCD 36-40:CBDCB 41-45:DAAAD 46-50:BDBAA

  51-55:CBBDB 56-60:BBBDA 61-65:CDBBC 66-70:DAADD 71-75:ACACB 76-80:CBABD 81-85:BCDAB 86-90:ADDBD 91-95:BBCBB 96-100:DDDDB

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