
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年12月27日 18:18   英语教师网


  88.____she is not so healthy _____she used to be ? [仿2004广东卷--23]

  A.How it is that; as      B.Why is it that; what

  C.Is it why; that         D.How is it that; as

  89.It was not until she had finished all her work_______home tired [仿2004湖北卷--24]

  A.did she return          B.that she returned

  C.when she returned       D.that did she return

  90._____ his father came back from work_____ his homework. [仿2004湖北卷--24]

  A.Not until; he did         B.It wasn't until; when he did

  C.It was until; that he didn't do  D.It wasn't until; that he did

  91.Only when _____ in 1945 _____ to his hometown. [2004重庆卷---34]

  A.was the war over; he returned   B.the war was over; had he returned

  C.the war was over; he returned   D.was the war over; had he returned

  92. It is ______you deal with difficulties that shows_____ you are really like.[仿2004福建卷--35]

  A.what; what   B.how; what   C.how; that   D.which; how

  93._____only 20 minutes to go before the train left, I felt uneasy in the taxi to the railway station.[仿04北京卷--33]

  A.For     B.I had     C.With       D.As

  94.---John has got a very good job in the government. [仿2004浙江卷--28]

  --- _____ he looks so happy.

  A.No doubt    B.No wonder   C.That's because   D.It's natural

  95._____ be sent to work there ? [仿04福建卷--28]

  A.Who do you suggest that should   B.Who do you suggest

  C.Do you suggest whom should     D.Do you suggest who should

  96.______ production up by 60% , the company has had another excellent year. [仿04福建卷--30]

  A.For       B.As       C.Throngh     D.With

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