

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年02月16日 20:04   新浪考试


  in general(=in most cases,usually)通常

  catch (or get)a glimpse of瞥见(强调结果)

  take a glance (or look)at看一眼(强调动作)

  be good for对……有好处;对……有作用

  be good at擅长于;be good to对……好

  in good time(=early)早早地(做完,到达等)

  for good(=for ever)永远地,长期地

  take...for granted(=assume to be true)把……认为理所当然的

  be grateful to sb.for sth.因……感谢某人

  on the ground(s) of(=because of)由于……

  fall to the ground(计划,希望等)失败,落空

  on one's guard (against)谨防,警惕

  (be) on guard站岗

  guard against(=defend,keep safe)警惕,防止 guard...against警卫……防止

  guess at猜,估计

  by guess靠猜

  be guilty of犯有……罪或过失


  be in the habit of习惯于

  break off(a habit)改掉(某种习惯)

  break sb.of (a habit)使某人改掉(某习惯)

  get (fall) into the habit of养成了……的习惯

  come to a halt(=stop)停止;停住

  at hand在手边,眼前(附近)

  by hand用手工(做)

  hand in glove(with)狼狈为奸,密切合作

  in hand 1)在手边 2)(=under control)控制住

  in the hands of由……掌握,控制,负责

  live from hand to mouth勉强度日,现挣现吃

  at the head of在……的前头

  head for(=move towards)向……方向前进

  hear of(=know about)听人说起,听说过

  at heart(=in reality)内心里,实际上

  in one's heart(of hearts)内心深处,事实上

  by heart(=by memory)熟记,背(诵)

  to one's heart's content尽情地

  with all one's heart全心全意地,真心实意


  be (go) on holiday在(去)度假

  go on holiday=go for a holiday

  be (feel) at home(=to be comfortable;not feel worried)感觉合适,无拘束,熟悉

  be honest in诚实

  in one's honour(or in honour of)祝贺,纪念

  on one's honour以某人的名誉担保

  hope for希望(某事发生),希望有

  to one's horror令某人感到恐惧的是

  in a hurry(=hastily)匆忙地


  be identical with (=exactly alike)和……完全相同

  be identified with被视为与……等同

  in ignorance of不知道……

  be ignorant of(=lacking knowledge)对……不了解,不知道

  (an) impact(on)对……的强烈影响



  make (leave)an impression on sb.=give sb.an impression给……留下印象

  under the impression that有……的印象,认为

  improve sth.(=make sth.better)把原物改进

  improve on(=produce or be sth.better than...)另做一物比原物更好

  improve in(=get better)有改进,好些

  improvement in表示原物有改进,好转


  inclusive of把……包括在内

  independent of独立的,不受约束的

  indicative of表明,说明

  be indifferent to(=not interested in)对……漠不关心,冷淡,不在乎

  (be) inferior to(=less good in quality or value)比……差;superior to比……好

  inform sb.of sth.通知,告诉

  be innocent of无罪的,无辜的

  insist on(=order sth.to happen)坚持要


  at(the) most最多,至多

  make the most of充分利用

  be not much of(=not a good)不是很好的……

  be something of有点……,像……


  name after用……的名字命名

  native to所产的

  by nature天生的,生来

  in nature本质上

  (be) in the nature of属……性质

  none other that不是别人,正是……

  above normal高于正常(温度)

  for nothing(=free,without payment)免费

  nothing but只有,不过……而已

  to say nothing of(=not to mention)更不用说……

  do sth.at short notice只给很少时间准备

  until further notice在另行通知前

  take notice of(=pay attention)注意


  object to(=be opposed to)反对

  objection to(接动名词)反对

  on occasion(=now and then)不时地,必要时

  by occasion of(=because of)由于

  occupy oneself with(in)忙于(某事)

  it occurs to sb.that...某人想到……

  once and for all=once and forever永远地

  all at once(=suddenly,now)立即,马上

  once in a while(=occasionally)偶尔

  (just)for once就这一次

  (all) by oneself独自(没有别人帮助)

  operate on sb.给某人做手术

  come/go into operation开始运转

  put/bring sth.into operation使……投产,运转

  be of the opinion持有……的看法

  in one's opinion按某人的看法

  be opposed to...反对……

  be opposite to与……相反的

  (be) in order(=acceptable)合适的,恰当的

  in order井井有条,处于良好状态;out of order(=in bad condition)出毛病,发生故障

  made to order定做的(衣服)

  originate in/from(=begin)起源于,由……引起

  on the outskirts(of)在城郊


  on one's own(=along,without help)

  of one's own某人自己的

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