

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年09月20日 09:14   新浪考试

  46. The author begins his article with Edmund Burke's words to

  [A] call on scientists to take some actions.

  [B] criticize the misguided cause of animal rights.

  [C] warn of the doom of biomedical research.

  [D] show the triumph of the animal rights movement.

  47. Misled people tend to think that using an animal in research is

  [A] cruel but natural.

  [B] inhuman and unacceptable.

  [C] inevitable but vicious.

  [D] pointless and wasteful.

  48. The example of the grandmotherly woman is used to show the public's

  [A] discontent with animal research.

  [B] ignorance about medical science.

  [C] indifference to epidemics.

  [D] anxiety about animal rights.

  49. The author believes that, in face of the challenge from animal rights advocates, scientists should

  [A] communicate more with the public

  [B] employ hi-tech means in research.

  [C] feel no shame for their cause.

  [D] strive to develop new cures.

  50. From the text we learn that Stephen Cooper is

  [A] a well-known humanist.

  [B] a medical practitioner.

  [C] an enthusiast in animal rights.

  [D] a supporter of animal research.

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