

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年09月20日 09:14   新浪考试

  51. According to those who support mergers railway monopoly is unlikely because

  [A] cost reduction is based on competition.

  [B] services call for cross-trade coordination.

  [C] outside competitors will continue to exist.

  [D] shippers will have the railway by the throat.

  52. What is many captive shippers' attitude towards the consolidation in the rail industry?

  [A] Indifferent.

  [B] Supportive.

  [C] Indignant.

  [D] Apprehensive.

  53. It can be inferred from paragraph 3 that

  [A] shippers will be charged less without a rival railroad

  [B] there will soon be only one railroad company nationwide.

  [C] overcharged shippers are unlikely to appeal for rate relief.

  [D] a government board ensures fair play in railway business.

  54. The word “arbiters”(line 7,paragraph 4)most probably refers to those

  [A] who work as coordinators.

  [B] who function as judges.

  [C] who supervise transactions.

  [D] who determine the price.

  55. According to the text, the cost increase in the rail industry is mainly caused by

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