

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年09月20日 09:18   新浪考试

  56. What do American parents expect their children to acquire in school?

  [A] The habit of thinking independently.

  [B] Profound knowledge of the world.

  [C] Practical abilities for future career.

  [D] The confidence in intellectual pursuits.

  57. We can learn from the text that Americans have a history of

  [A] undervaluing intellect.

  [B] favoring intellectualism.

  [C] supporting school reform.

  [D] suppressing native intelligence.

  58. The views of Ravish and Emerson on schooling are

  [A] identical.    

  [B] similar.

  [C] complementary.  

  [D] opposite.

  59. Emerson, according to the text, is probably

  [A] a pioneer of education reform.

  [B] an opponent of intellectualism.

  [C] a scholar in favor of intellect.

  [D] an advocate of regular schooling.

  60. What does the author think of intellect?

  [A] It is second to intelligence.

  [B] It evolves from common sense.

  [C] It is to be pursued.

  [D] It underlies power.

  [第56题答案及题解页数] C 第页

  [第57题答案及题解页数] A 第页

  [第58题答案及题解页数] D 第页

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