

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月12日 16:35   恩波教育

  38 Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:

  1. describe the picture;

  2. interpret the meaning of the picture;

  3. make your comments.

  You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.

  这道题目看似简单,却富含哲理,对我们而言是一个很好的挑战。在谋篇布局上,需要精心安排。可以这样做:在描述图画后,在第二段中直接对图中的论断进行批驳,而后在第三段拓展到社会生活中相关的方面。最后在第四段中下结论。In the picture, a young man is lying in bed and says to himself, “If I do nothing, I will make no mistakes.”

  How ridiculous this statement is! To err is human—who can avoid making mistakes all the time? If we are careful and cautious enough, we can always learn from our mistakes and failures. So when we meet the same problem for the second time, we can tackle it from another angle and by another approach. After repeated attempts, we can reduce or even eliminate this kind of mistakes.

  We cant help thinking of the inaction of some government officials. Their chief aim in their daily work is to make no mistakes. Whenever emergency happens, they never take immediate action. Instead, they always report it to his superior and ask him what can be done. In many cases, time has been wasted and the best opportunities to make remedies have been lost. If government officials cannot make decisions and take actions, why do we need them?

  Like the government officials, people of other professions should also take on their responsibility to do what they are required to do without hesitation. Mistakes are not a bad thing so long as we are determined to learn from them and make constant progress.该文的结构安排非常精彩。第一段对图画进行描述,非常简洁。第二段共分五句,直接对图中人的观点进行批驳。第一句话使用感叹句,极言上述说法之荒谬。第二句引用谚语,说明“人非圣贤,孰能无过”。第三句话说,我们总是能从错误和失败中学到东西。第四句和第五句说我们在遇到同样的问题时,总是可以尝试不同的方法以减少甚至消灭这类错误。



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